Dear President Obama,
I would like to start by saying what a wonderful job you're doing despite all the hardships you are facing. You do not deserve all the stuff you are getting right now since most of it was brought by your predecessor. Don't get too excited, I didn't vote for you because I thought you were inexperienced. I still think you are inexperienced, but you are handling it quite well.
The reason I am writing is because I have an issue to address which is the public education system in this country. I understand you have already raised this issue back in may where you talked about how the system could be improved. With all due respect Mr. President, this is where I have to disagree with you. The system doesn't need money, it needs a new curriculum. I have been a student for most of my life it seems, so, I know what its like to be in a school with no doors and no cafeteria. I also know what its like to have teachers less than qualified "teach" just for a paycheck. However, I have also been to India where the students there go to schools that don't have enough desks or chairs for a class of 50 that only supplies for 30. They still, however, are taught at a higher level than the students in the US by teachers there also wouldn't be qualified US standards.
I think you know all the studies done on the US students vs all the other students in the world, so I won't tell you about them. I will tell you that the core of the problem is not money, it's the attitude. We need to change the current curriculum to make students more focused on their studies rather than sports or entertainment. We need to reward them for hard work and only pass students with a minimum of a B average than a C. We are only limiting students of their greatness if we keep rewarding mediocrity.
How many more dropouts do we have to face before we become the worst educated country? How much more money do we have to spend on re educating workers that do not know basic reading and writing?
We can change this Mr. President, we can change how education works in our country we can change the future, which is our children, because I do not want my kids going through the same education system that I went through.
Thank you for your time.
Supriya A Prasad
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
a letter to the president
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 8:25 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 3, 2009
i gotta feeling that im about to sneeze again....about to sneeze again
thats right i got a cold again. i also had to give a speech today while handling my cold. (i did very well thank you very much). i havent taken my vitamins, and the temperature changed from 50 to 30 overnight. anyways ive started up my night classes again the class is about non western religions. everyone seems nice, but seriously the last hour of the class last week was not needed, i was very irritated.
i still cant believe its december. seems like the year just flew by for me, this year has been an emotional rollercoaster filled with mostly downs rather than ups. hopefully next year will be different.
i was recently in a one sided debate with a friend about president obama, she said he hasnt really done anything since he's been in office. which i agree on. but she also said that he hasnt kept any of his campaign promises, im like "what politican does?" she also said that government run healthcare will not work because in canada it takes months to get an mri. well see my blog i did on sicko for that side. my point here is that obama is a man with little experience and he will do well if he listens to those more experienced. this begs the question: is he listening?
i am really tired of the constant attacks on tiger woods. so what if he cheated? is it any of my business if he cheats? how is that affecting me? why should he give a statement, is it any of my concern if he does? i saw a guy on the today show saying that "he should've given a statement within 24 hours, regardless of who is advising him." and to justify that he said "this guy has won multiple championships, he's in the media all the time we have a right to know" um no you f-ing dont! the guy has a right to privacy. he wasnt endangering anybody but himself (physically) and his wife (emotionally) and whoever his mistress is. athletes are athletes, they play, they win and conquer. they dont whore themselves out to the media. hey news outlets here's some advice if the man wants to be left alone...LEAVE HIM ALONE. he's not freaking speidi for godsakes.
i have a love hate relationships with the entertainment media. mostly with TMZ, some of the stuff they put on tv is freaking hilarious but most of it is sad. and with E!, im really sick of the stupid twilight coverage. so freaking what????!!!! i read what's its really about over here.....funny as hell but surprisingly was honestly worse than what i thought it was. that is one f-ked up series. and i read a couple of vampire books too.....WAY better than twilight is. robert pattinson is freaking hot me i really wanted to HATE the guy...he had so many things going against him (well just one) he's british. i saw him on the today show and couldnt help but say "i guess he's not so bad after all" i still hate twilight though.
im pretty sure my bro and my cousin are going to make a list of all the hot women he wants to be with now....and i dont care :)
thats it for now.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 12:26 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
i havent written in awhile
there is so much going on in my life right now that i feel like im going to explode at times. i wont reveal too much but some of it has to do with my family but most of it has to do with me. i fear a lot. i fear i will die alone, i fear that i will never reach my career goals, i fear that i will be stuck at home for the rest of my life. my parents dont really understand what i go through, what i deal with everyday nor do they make an effort to. i think that was what sent me over the edge. i constantly feel under appreciated for everything i do for them and i feel like i have to force a thank you out of them every time. but in the end all i really needed was just a couple of days to myself which i did and i feel a lot better.
moving just relieved that new moon is nearing its release date so i wont have to see all of those ads for it on tv or the cast coming on my shows i watch and promoting it like their life depends on it. and im very tired of hearing the stupid rob and kristin rumors. its very clear from the body language i saw on the today show, (hey i was bored and i didnt feel like changing the channel) that they were in fact hiding that they are dating. my bro even noticed the little freudian slips kristin gave on the today show. i just wish those two would just say yes we are dating and move on so they dont take up anymore of my show's time. i never even read the books or seen the movie and i know what the hell is going on which is even sadder.
i have also recently have seen that chick carrie prejean on cnn, promoting her book and how she's a victim and crap. it wasnt even her stand on gay marriage that got me mad (frankly, i thought it was she was entitled to her opinion, if she were to say that to me i wouldve told her "to rewrite the constitution so you cant vote ,go to war, not marry) i lost all respect for that chick when she played the victim card when this supposed "christian" has a sex tape. unbelievable. she justifies her claims by putting blame on the liberals whenever they attack conservatives. again unbelievable. you know you cant take this chick seriously especially when she calls sarah palin her hero. and that wasnt even the hilarious part, it was the fact that she calls herself accomplished that was so funny. im sorry but what did she accomplish exactly other than being hated by most of nation?
thats it for now...i'll write more soon
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 12:18 AM 0 comments
Monday, November 2, 2009
new show review
the following is another review, if you don't want to read it then leave now or bite me.
there isn't a lot of new shows out there (or any good ones to say the least), but there was one that surprised me. it's the new show on usa called white collar. its about neal caffery, a con man, escapes from prison with just three months left on his three year sentence using the fraud like techniques showed in movies like "catch me if you can" and "ocean's eleven". he stops at an empty apartment with an empty wine bottle where the cops and peter burke, the man who's been trailing him for years, catch him. back in prison, neal ends up making a deal with peter, he could help catch other thieves just like him, if he gets released under peter's watch.
as the pilot develops you discover that peter is married to a wife who keeps him grounded, and neal is just a hopeless romantic. you end up rooting for both of them by the end of the episode.
i honestly wasn't expecting to love it, but i did. this is the first time in a very long time im excited for friday to come so i can see another episode.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 9:50 PM 1 comments
Sunday, October 25, 2009
i guess it's time for a movie review
its that time of year again, all the scary movies coming out right before halloween (or the movie Saw, that comes out every halloween). i saw a movie that made me lose sleep two nights in a row, paranormal activity. The movie takes place in san diego, california where a young couple easily in their twenties, recently started noticing strange things happening in their home. to be sure that it was paranormal they rented a camera to catch these strange things. what they found was something beyond freaky.
paranormal activity is not your everyday scary story. it's taken from the angle of the rented camera, so it looks like a "mockumentary" ala blair witch project. the story starts off slow only to build up to an amazing scary ending. there are not a lot of characters that have a lot of lines but the couple they show us and the visual effects (if used at all) were not obvious. to be honest, the raw and realness of the video made me think this was actual footage of someone's house.
because of the direction, storyline, acting, the the incredible amount of fear i got from it, i give this movie an A.
my advice for those who want to see it:
1. please go into the movie with ZERO expectations, if you listened to the hype just wait for the DVD.
2. i strongly advise not to see this movie alone, this is actually a very good date movie, i saw a lot of girls holding on to their significant others throughout the movie.
3. whatever you do NOT see this movie at night, i know a lot of people who did this and they stayed awake the entire night.
4. the movie is rated R for a reason, it is SCARY, so please use your common sense and don't bring children under 17 to it.
well thats it.
i'll probably write my review for law abiding citizen later
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 12:42 PM 0 comments
Thursday, October 22, 2009
writing with a killer headache
so my mom came from chicago and is staying at the house for a couple weeks. last year, my mom was used to seeing my bro and i every day, this year is different especially since june. having her here is nice, but at the same time it's a little drag because my bro and i have to take care of her. it's not that she's immobile or anything, she just needs more attention. sometimes its too much for me. i was thinking about getting a job, but now it seems like madness. with the stress level already high for me right now, i dont know if i could take a job plus the recession took a big toll on where i live. sometimes i feel just as stressed as the people in my night class, and they have full time jobs, have kids and are married (well most of them are). i am 20 years old and i should be living it up instead im stuck at home most of the time. i chose career instead of partying it up in college. i chose to go home after work instead of spending the whole night riding rides or searching for flags. i chose not to go after the one i like instead of having a boyfriend. those were my decisions and which lead me to where? having no fun whatsoever. things always held me back, my parents for one, and fear for two. i bet you anything next year im going to be celebrating my 21st birthday with my family instead of my friends. i could put the blame on my parents for me not having any fun during my teens, but i wont. because i could've easily told them i was going to my best friend's house when i would really go to a party that was loaded with alcohol and who knows what else. i was invited to those back in high school, not directly, but i knew if i asked they wouldve said yes. a lot of shit happened to me in high school. my heart got broken (hey whose didn't?), i was pretty much an outcast mostly because i was friends with a girl who basically whored herself to every guy she saw. i wanted to help her but she talked some crap behind my best friend's back (she was friends with her too) and lets just say i lost touch with her. besides my best friend, i had no one. i mean i was cool with some people but i never hung out with them outside of school. i just felt so withdrawn during that time, i felt so out of place with everyone. the only time i didn't was when i was in drama club. there i felt like the girls who didn't talk to me did when i did my first play. my second play, no one did. i remember one time senior year, there was a girl who moved from texas, she was a beautiful blonde girl, i offered to show her around because i've been in her position before. she kinda snubbed me and said "well i know where everything is" it wasnt long before she found her new friends which was the popular crowd who showed her around. i looked at her facebook and found that she was popular at her old school too. i believe its the theory of natural stability, or something like that when a teenager is a certain way at one school he or she will most likely be the same way when they move. its 75% with popular kids i believe, i learned that in my developmental psych class last semester. i have also taken enough psych classes to know that i was depressed most of my times in high school more so the end of sophomore year till senior year. i knew i was depressed, but i didn't think anything of it. i didn't know how bad it was until the beginning of my sophomore year in college, when i was learning about depression and more so this year. i also gained a lot of weight during high school and i didn't do much about it. you see, people who have known me forever would know that i used to be a tiny girl, i used to be around 5'3-5'4 till i sprouted up to 5'9. i also used to be bone skinny, my bro was like this too. people thought that my parents never fed us. we had such insanely high metabolisms. but i gained weight when i was 14 (my mom couldnt be happier), and kept gaining till i was 15 because i never got used to my new metabolism. i started working out, and i got into shape last year. i wish i feel the same way about my mental health as i do with my physical health though.
its hard to love yourself when you find so many faults, you know? i look in the mirror and i see so many things wrong with my face. sometimes i have my fat days too. you know when one day you realize you look overweight, but when you work out you feel better. there are days where i feel like i will die alone because i dont go out with anyone. there are days where i feel like i will being living at home until i die. i have my days where i say this isn't going to happen, where i make positive goals for myself so i don't think like that. i do have my days where i just write poems. because poems are my drugs. then there are days where i feel like a free bird, i dance around and be a happy child of god.
i just hope there are more days like that for me.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 7:45 PM 1 comments
Monday, October 12, 2009
im sick with nothing else to do
dont you love catching a cold? only happens to me once a year so i guess today had to be it. lets see topics...topics....what to talk about.
i guess i could talk about my weird dream last night. i dreamt i was in this theater and linkin park (it couldve been dead by sunrise but im not sure) was playing inside. i somehow got front row seats and my bro was in the back (dont ask me why) anyways chester bennington comes down from the stage and into our area and i started going nuts. when the song ended he was going back up to the stage and i said something along the lines of "your awesome! thanks for all the music you brought into my life and i love you!!" and he touched his sweaty hand with mine and said "no thank YOU" and he left. he was shirtless like he always was when it;s the middle of a set. and i remember saying to myself "did i just scream like a little fangirl when he touched my hand?"
i got up a thousand times last night because of my cold and i had three dreams but this is the one i remembered the most. my first one was playing halo 3. which made sense cause i was playing halo 3 before i went to sleep.
you know sitting here talking about my dream and looking out the window which is filled with gray clouds doesn't make me feel any better about my slightly better now that i took a hot shower and drank some warm water.
oh! i know who to talk about now!
listen to this
Amazing right????
his name is Nick Pitera, he's a college graduate and is working for Pixar. it looks like he wasnt pursuing singing full time before but i bet he is now.
that's it for now
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 1:36 PM 1 comments
Friday, October 2, 2009
ahhhh review!
someone said im copying my brother in post topics for those of you who don't know already my brother has a blog of his own which you can view here . this isn't true. not only was my last post a quick review of sicko. i also had an example and an opinion, which yes, is quite similar to my brother's but is different.
anyways im not writing to refute that comment, but im writing because i recently heard the new dead by sunrise album, out of ashes. its soo good. for those of you into that whole head banging rock my suffering, fire, and crawl back in is good. and for those of you into that sensitive rock, "into you", "give me your name" (i want that song to be my first dance at my wedding), "let down", and "too late" are awesome songs. and "walking in circles, "morning after"(although, i love the underworld soundtrack version) "in the darkness" ,"condemned" and "inside of me" are good fillers...i wouldnt say these are bad...but they are either overproduced, trying too hard, etc. "end of the world" is the chester version of "hands held high" on LP's Minutes to Midnight.
its quite obvious for anyone who is an LP fan and who has read interview with chester in it from the past couple years (it would also help to read any interview about out of ashes) which he said it's about his divorce, getting remarried, and sobriety. he also said that "give me your name" was originally recorded as the first dance song at his wedding.
don't you love seeing one of your favorite rock stars grow in front of your eyes? one moment he's yelling "im about to break!" at you all angry, looking like a devil worshiper, the next he singing about how you remind him of the ocean.
funny how times have changed.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 2:56 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 25, 2009
i saw a little movie called sicko
it's a movie everyone should see if you want to understand the healthcare debate more. its a documentary by the producer and director of fahrenheit 9/11 micheal moore. i got very furious when i learned how health care was really run in this country. people are turned down left and right for reasons so ridiculous that it even makes our former president look smart. no one deserves the type of treatment by our insurance companies, who turns down claims for coverage as life threatening as a brain tumor and as stupid as a yeast infection. universal healthcare seems to be the way to go. our government makes universal healthcare out to be this fearful socialist thing. like "omg it's socialist. socialism leads to facism and facism leads to communism. we aint no commie country!" BS. our whole country is runned by socialism. we pay for our post office, library, firefighters, police all with what? our TAXES. why not health care? i'll tell you one thing: i'd rather have taxes raised for universal healthcare then for going to war (a war which shouldn't have happened in the first place). our government is soo good at scaring the citizens into thinking things that are not true.
exhibit a: the H1N1 virus aka the pandemic that'll end the human race.
i have taken enough psychology classes to know that if someone of authority (the government) says the H1N1 virus is deadly enough times then one will believe it since no one is active enough to look at the facts, which is it's a strain of flu that no one has seen before. get it? a STRAIN OF THE FLU. so while everyone is washing their hands like an OCD maniac, im sitting here wondering, when this gets off the news will anyone still wash their hands?
the same is said for universal healthcare...."omg if you have universal healthcare you'll have to wait months to get a checkup/surgery/whatever" well according to sicko, that is pure fiction. you will have to wait just minutes to get a check up with no fee whatsoever. and in london, they even pay YOU for the transportation fees to get to the hospital.
we don't have to let families drown in medical debt, we can have universal healthcare. it's not that hard we just have to do it. and make those republicans admit their mistake.
thats it for now...if you have an opinion about healthcare leave a comment
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 5:33 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 20, 2009
a girl i used to know moved
yup she moved back to her country and she wrote this huge spiel on her facebook explaining why. she basically said in her "omg look how good i write" note that she's going back because americans are so materialistic. she didn't say that but thats how she came across. she's such a spiritualist you see, she reached a point in her life where nothing matters but her "humanitarian work". um right, it was humanitarian of you to not return my messages after you contacted me after that fake apology that your mother probably made you do?
im so sick of girls like her who make themselves out to be this good person when they are not. this "look at me i go to sunday school, i helped build a shelter, ect" attitude is so disgusting to me. especially when they dont know what it means to be spiritual. spirituality is not about how much humanitarian work you do. its how many people you can reach.
enough ranting, im excited all my shows are coming back this week. finally i wont have to rely on friends reruns to keep me entertained.
i think i may be slipping a little on my diet and exercise, i have been working out but not as much as i would like to. i am losing weight but not the right way. im stressed out and im not eating right because of that, im stressed about my mom, money, not so much school, but how am i going to move?
im getting inspired a lot more and i have been writing more poetry.
A Worker Who Works Is Never A Sin
a hole to dig my shallow grave
a cold wind for this hollow cave
my heart beats in lonely beats
as girls whisper with their rushing feet
a cry alone wonders if i should die
who will remember i?
alone am i within
a worker who works is never a sin.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
kanye melted down??? say it aint so!
i originally wasnt even going to watch the VMA's cuz of the major suckage in music this year. the best out of the mediocre won awards. forget the songs videos are major SUCK this year as well...why did beyonce (i like her shes very talented) win a video for a dance? that dance was a craze but WHY??? and even though i love eminem...i didnt know why he won either....that video wasnt even that good...i mean sure he makes fun out of everyone, but its repetitive. it's stuff like this that remind me why i listen to linkin park and maroon 5. no one has originality anymore, maybe lady gaga i did appreciate her performance at the VMA's. and pinks performance too as you can see i love circus acts. some people call lady gaga crazy, i applaud her for daring to be different and avant garde. some people may call pink a bitch, i applaud her for not being anyone else but herself.
thats my review of the VMA's .........OH! i forgot one thing.
kanye's meltdown.
WTF was this guy thinking? this was the first award of the night...taylor swift won. and kanye comes up onstage taking the mic off of her hand while giving her speech... and says "all i got to say is beyonce has the best videos of all time" beyonce looked embarrassed and when kanye gave the mic back to taylor she looked like she was about to cry. it was an incredible douchy thing for him to do. does this guy have NO class in him? MUST he whine everytime he doesnt win an award or in this case, when someone who he WANTED to win? i
i NEVER liked this guy...he was always a douche to me...never humble, thought he is the greatest rapper of all time (none of his music is 100% original btw).....guess what karma is a beeyotch...he is going to get his. taylor is a classy lady in handling the situation...she performed right after that.
i also heard that he apologized im sure it was half assed...thats what everyone told me at least. i refuse to mention his name any further since he is clearly getting what he wants now. maybe kanye should change his name to spencer pratt. then they could fight about who is the bigger douchebag.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 12:42 PM 0 comments
Thursday, September 3, 2009
what are we playing for rich?....well drew its a NEW CAR!!!!!!!!!!!!
yeah thats right a got a car...its used not new..its a 2005 toyota corolla and its got 63,000 miles on it. and it runs so awesomely. probably the best thing that happened to me in a while.
well classes at good old parkside taking public speaking and retaking my math class.
im still going to cardinal stritch full time so i can get my degree faster.
my mom is doing fine she's getting better by the day. i wish she knew how much im doing for her...i dont know when i'll be moving out of here but im pretty sure it'll be before january.
and look...i really am a hippie well according to blogthings i am
You are a Hippie |
You are a total hippie. While you may not wear Birkenstocks or smell of incense, you have the soul of a hippie. You don't trust authority, and you do as you please. You're willing to take a stand, even when what you believe isn't popular. You like to experiment with ideas, lifestyles, and different subcultures. You always gravitate toward what's radical and subversive. Normal, mainstream culture doesn't really resonate with you. |
p.s this is hilarious...gotta love keith
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 11:00 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
another post in one why not?
this week has been full of downs....all downs and no ups. and im not talking about the stuff the went on this blog either....i've just been very down lately....a lot family issues going not going to talk about it because its way too personal...i already revealed whats been going on with my mom anyways. i've got into a car accident the day after my last day at car is wrecked and we had to junk it because there was too much damage. so i have no car right now...i am looking for one....right now we're trying to sell the house...we got a cleaner and lawn mowers to keep the house in shape and looking neat.... because of how the market is right now the house needs to be in pristine condition.
i havent talked about a lot of issues going on in the country here lately so here's my thing on healthcare.
i dont care what we get right now as long as its better than what we currently have. republicans should shut the hell up about "death panels" and crap like that. sarah palin should just stick her alaskan ass back in russia with her idiotic comments....i honestly would've left the country had mcain died in office. having that dumb bimbo in office makes me lose even the littlest faith i did have for this country.
people honestly should shut the hell up and let obama do his job....i think he's doing a good job in cleaning up. bush better run and hide for the rest of his pathetic life along with cheney...because they both messed this country up so bad we've forgotten what its like to have good leadership and we may never recover from their actions.
thats it for now....i'll put some photography and more poetry up when i get the chance. till then....
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 12:28 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
its late here it goes
one of my biggest passions in life is to write....anyone who knows me will know this. i write on this blog to escape...and sometimes i rant (which i always forget to edit out) but honestly i dont mean anything i say on those rants and i clearly did offend someone on here. i get hot headed at times and i dont think straight. so im sorry for that. the reason im apologizing is that there are a lot of people that who've seen me but do not actually know me. and that is partly my fault because i keep a guard up. there are some comments that actually hurt me and i have not told anyone about it except for one person...i know those comments that were made were made out of anger...and they were made out of anger cause i had an angry post....but believe me im not an angry person....i just had a really bad day.again i dont mean to say anything to hurt anyone. the reason i vent here and not anywhere else is that i can't vent anywhere else. that blog was made a while ago too...back when my stress level was at its highest.i just dont want anyone to think badly of me just from that one post.
im a hippy so i love everyone, and everything....okay maybe i kill bugs...but i do meditate....and i do not wish bad anyone.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 1:38 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
let me entertain you
wow another season gone just like that....there were good times and some not so good times this summer. but i had fun this summer working at the awesome show called showstoppin at six flags this year. every year our department, the entertainment department, holds an annual EIE awards party....its kinda like the oscars but instead of best actress, its best team player and so i had such a great time with great people.
he's a sweetheart..
we both have the same birthday!!!!
we were supposed to work together last year.....but everyone got fired or quit so that didnt happen
love her...she's one of my favorite people...i went to school with her.
he won for best grand music hall person or whatever....james is the BEST dancer i've ever seen!!!! NO LIE! the guys in the back is the rest of the show stoppin cast
dont really know everyone here too well except for the two girls on the right and left
ahhh rachael.....she's the most amazing supervisor i had last year....i forgot to take a pic of my supervisor this year...megan...she's pretty awesome as well.
I worked with these guys this year i worked with her last year
she's just someone i run into all the time
i really mean it when i say james is the best dancer i've ever seen. people who know me would know that ive been performing onstage (on and off) since i was seven. this includes singing, dancing and acting. i have seen my share of talented people....but honestly the showstoppin cast is the most talented bunch i have ever met. those guys are going to do great things....i hope they remember me when they become famous.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 3:33 PM 0 comments
Saturday, August 1, 2009
i dont wanna fall back in
im trying so hard not to fall back into a deep depressed state i was in for most of my late teens. it was incredibly hard for me to get out of that mind set and even harder not to go back because of all the craziness that's happening. its also hard to stay positive when u know the reality of the situation. i keep everything inside only to yell at a family member who doesn't deserve it. who can i yell at? i can't yell at amanda at work who accused me of doing nothing while there is stuff to be done. i can't yell at megan, my supervisor who won't give me a day off unless i switch with someone because she "can't have one host working the theater" (i say too damn bad because i did it all the time at picto last year, once with no tech at all for one show) no one wants to hear me bitch and moan. im sick of this. now my mom is back in the ER again because of severe stomach cramps, she's probably gonna have a colonscopy. the stress is insane im expected to do everything and im not able to. i have a number of projects due by the end of the month, my mom is a ticking time bomb, and im going nuts.
i have written a song about a guy i can't have though.
it's called "someone you already knew"
Someone You Already Knew
do you try to make me feel this way?
do you know what you to do me when you're away?
i feel so helpless cause there's nothing to do
you're in love with someone you already knew
verse 1
She probably knows who you are
front to back
side to side
in and out
but does she really know what you're all about?
I know that you're fun quirky and smart?
but do you really want to be with a real pop tart?
I'm the one you and and boy that's for sure
she's all that you want but I can give more.
oh its nothing she loves you
oh its nothing, and boy i know its true
you're happy and she does you no harm
you have that wit that soul that charm
oh i know it, you love her its true
oh i know it they all love you too
go ahead make her day
you know her better anyway
you're in love with someone you already knew
oh you're in love with someone you already knew
in love with someone you already knew.
nice right? im thinking of christina aguilera's "candyman" mixed with maroon 5's "until your over me" for the music. and christina aguilera singing it of course.
well that's it for now
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 1:32 PM 1 comments
Monday, July 20, 2009
im stuck in the apartment laundry room,...
so my mom had a scare the other day....she had chest pains and she had to be rushed to the hospital. my aunt says had my brother (who came to visit) not come at that time they would've called an ambulance. my mom had to be rushed to the ER. where they did a lot of tests on her till night. advocate christ has the biggest trauma center and it is one of the best in the state. so that maybe why my aunt says there was a lot of people in there so many in fact there couldnt be more than one visitor per room. my mom is fine now...the doctors think it was pancreatitis i dont know if i spelled that right. probably not since the spell check says it's wrong. anyways she has imflammation of the pancreas. it could be caused by anything. doctors say it could be the water pills she was taking. so they're taking her off of the water pills for now. so now im here in palos hills (i drove here by myself btw) i go back tomorrow. where i have my night class....yay fun.
ahhh well thats it for now...leave a comment for feedback i wanna know how im doing on my blog.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 3:45 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 5, 2009
i never gave a proper goodbye
i want to give a proper goodbye to michael jackson....since i didnt really give him one in my last blog.
i knew a lot of people who idolized michael. but i never realized how many lives he changed until after his death. i remember watching some of his videos in the 90's with awe. scream and black and white were a few. his dance moves were so intricate that it took people weeks, months and sometimes years to master. and they still couldn't do it like him. this man was the definition of pop.
he crossed all genres of music from r&b to heavy metal.
a man with his kind of talent comes around once in a lifetime. i believe he was a very loving man who never had a childhood of his own. which is why i think he hung around kids a lot.
i honestly feel bad for not appreciating the work he has done while he was living. now he is immortal through his music.
goodbye michael may your stay in heaven be much better than your time on earth.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 5:21 PM 0 comments
Thursday, June 25, 2009
if anger's a gift then i guess ive been blessed......
wow so much to talk about.....the past couple of weeks have been class for one, is done and over with....i have a break for about a couple weeks before my next class. i think i did pretty well. i've changed positions at my job, i am back to being a theater attendent at grand music hall. its a lot easier than picto thats for sure.... and lastly....and more importantly.....the family member i was telling u guys about last time is now in the hospital in oak lawn, IL (near chicago). well here's what happened: my mom had an appointment the day after my bday at the hospital. it was supposed to be a sort of check up to see what her chest pains were all about....they think it has something to do with the heart.....see she had a heart surgery back in '01 so they think its complications from the surgery. however she was asked to do a walking test she had to stop five times during the entire walk. and they found her oxygen intake was about 85% at rest........which is really they had to take her in as an in patient. for about a week she was taking tests to see what's the problem.....the doctor (who's amazing) said that its most likely a lung pressure issue. so they did a heart catheder on her to see if there was anything wrong with the heart....they found nothing then they took an xray of her chest and found there was an unsually high amount of pressure on her chest. so then the docs (the lung specialist, cardiac doc, and her assistant) perscribed a drug that costs $500,000 a year that would make the pressure go away in six months. the insurance, which is the hospital's insurance, (i forgot to mention my dad works there as well) rejected at first but it seems that the nurses fought for it to be done so now it looks like she's going to be taking it. we (me and my bro) have to get training on it.....because it's kind of like an IV. we already know how to do it but we have to do it again because insurance is paying them to train us three times. so we are in the hospital right now because she had a scare. in the meanwhile me and my bro are looking after the house. and my aunt is coming from india to help us look after her. life is so crazy and stressful right now.....i havent gotten a proper workout in two weeks. i either gained some weight or lost it....i cant tell. all i know is my back hurts....from being stressed or not having good posture. i think it may be both.
today we also mourn the loss of two great icons....farrah fawcet of charlie's angels fame and the prince of pop michael jackson.
i found it rather disgusting that people talked ill of michael because of his past. the past is irrelevant, he's a pop icon and changed the face of music at the time.
well there is nothing else to report.
oh yeah transformers 2 rocked!
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 8:23 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 31, 2009
keep it locked up INSIDE!!!
i like your advice chester, but seriously, its self destructing. well im not going to lie someone in my family is not doing very well health wise. this person doesnt want to get better and thinks medication is going to make them better. what they dont realize is that they're going to be on this medication for the rest of their life. its really frustrating because me and the rest of my family are fighting tooth and nail for her even though she doesnt want to. its like she's forfieting the game before it even started. she doesnt want to do all the things that it takes for her to live better because it's hard. it's adding to all the pressure i already have from everyone else. im seriously going to explode. i cant explode on anyone in my family cause i get yelled at even more. im so sick of the constant headaches i keep having on the back of my f-king head. i know its from stress. i cant cry cause if i cry im seen as weak. i work out to keep my sanity, its the only way to clear my head (and blogging of course)
plus i see people i used to be friends with back in the day on facebook, its nice to know that most of them havent changed one bit. i really wish i could be friends with some of them again, but they're too much of an asshole for me to be friends with them again. i honestly couldn't believe this one chick i knew from my old dancing days had the nerve to apologize to me for all the mean things she did and when i wanted to talk to her again....she had the NERVE to pretend i didn't exist! she didn't mean a word she said to me! her SISTER is a better human being than she is! funny thing is she preachs how much of a good person she is by going to sunday school and posting all this religous bullshit. the case is the same with all those chicks (with a couple of exceptions) who bullied me. they all pretend they did nothing wrong and they're the most self righteous people in the world. they will never know how much hurt i had to go through. i still remember as clear as day all the vicious rumors they spread, how they left me out of everything/singled me out, i will NEVER forget the lonliness i felt, i will NEVER forget the feeling of pretending that i didnt exist.
the one thing i want is to have them go through the same hell i did. because they just simply don't know what kind of hell they put me through and they dont know how much they damaged me. but they also dont know is how much stronger i am because of it.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 11:38 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
back to reality
i just came back from visiting my cousin in kansas city. i had fun...we played halo 3, watched battle at the smithsonian at the AMC's fork and dine experience. (we had dinner beforehand, so we just had a dessert), we had a nice drive to the lake, and we went to Legends in village west. but all the stores were closing when we went there. in between all that we basically went grocery shopping, so my mom would cook food, so we didnt have to go out to dinner all the time. speaking of going out we went to this great authentic italian restuarant called buca di peppo's. it was amazing. the restuarant's theme was "mama's house". it was filled with pictures of family, and home decor. when u come in (or when ur table is ready) the hostess takes u through the place, where u could easily get lost in, and introduces you to the servers and waiters before u get to ur table. im pretty sure this is part of the "family" feel they were going for. so when the waiter/ess comes to your table you already know the people. the portions that were given were huge. everything that was served is meant to be shared. there were five of us and we got the buca large and that was a mistake cause it was HUGE. we got alferedo supremo and salmon pesto. both were fantastic. and for dessert we got double layer chocolate cake. which was amazing. (dont worry i did an indoor workout the next day) so all i have to say is olive garden got pwn'd!
here are my latest batch of pictures that i took in grand rapids. also available here ...i'll upload my other ones later
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 10:53 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
so give me reason to prove me wrong.......
new divide premiered first i thought it was "what i've done part 2"....but ive heard it three times now and it really did "prove me wrong" . i get chills when chester sings mostly acapella towards the end. the song is perfect for transformers 2. not that ive seen it or anything it just seems like it would go with the theme of the movie. there was this guy trentreznor on LP message boards....if that really is Trent Reznor from NIN , im really suprised. that guy is super critical on "new" bands , which is bands that came after his. but from what i saw quoted on this hater on the message boards Trent said that MTM had a lack of concept. as a album, yes i'd agree. seems like this guy is a fan though because when i thought about it Hybrid Theory and Meteora flowed better as an album rather than MTM did. that is assuming trentreznor is in fact Trent Reznor. maybe he was on there cause he was flattered on how LP covered "wish". look it up on youtube its freakin brilliant. or maybe he was pissed. .....again assuming that was actually him.
so im really bored as u can see...working out regularly....trying to call entertainment dept to confirm my start date. my bro is out of im going to the gym by myself. ugh its so i want to go to my best friends place...but she's going to thereapy every other day...all the rest of my friends are outta here...and the one friend i did have wasnt a friend at all....i do have people i can talk to on this little place i call the internet. its refreshing.
oh and angels and demons sucked. tom hanks saved that movie from becoming a flop.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 4:53 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 11, 2009
yay twitter!
so as i mentioned in my last post, i got a twitter account. since then i have been twittering like nuts. chester (from LP) has replied TWICE! i couldnt believe it the first time he did, and i still couldnt believe he did the second time. you can see his twitter here. and you could also view and follow me on here so other than that news, im almost done with classes just one more exam to take. gotta get ready to send my transcripts into cardinal stritch as soon as grades are posted. im also doing pretty good with my new workout. im losing all the fat around my stomach and gaining muscle. which is what i want. less fat more muscle. im upping my cardio to 25 min each workout instead of 20...and i just do circuit training which is a combo of cardio and weight lifting. so nothing real interesting going on in my life.....unless u find it interesting....if so then good for u.
so onto a topic: well lets see, theres music, nope done that, politics: done that, entertainment: done that....what else?
ahh here's one....hippy liberals
normally i would get offended if someone would say that to me, but i say go ahead call me that...i believe in peace not war...i walk around barefooted most of the time around my house....i have long hair...i DID have a tye dye shirt, i have no idea where it is now....i believe in loving all people no matter who they love, and most of all i believe we are all one.....i know thats a really hippy way of thinking but thats who i am. and no im not a stoner (read my 4/20 blog).
so its getting late...i'll post whenever i come up with something better......and maybe post some pics (i know i keep saying that...but i'll do it eventually) for now...c ya!
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 11:06 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 4, 2009
okay this'll be short
sorry, im not going to post my signature long blog. im gonna try and make this one short. the reason im not posting here so much is because i got a twitter (, so i post mini blogs through out the day. i also found out the chester from LP just got one. isnt that just awesome or what? all i need is adam levine to get one, then my life would be complete. lol. so most of my exams will be done this week. so i'll be done with that. im switching schools this year i'll be going to cardinal stritch this year, i dont know what i'll do after that. maybe get a marketing degree. i went to grand rapids last weekend. my family has friends they wanted to visit there. i played with kids the entire time, i was really bored. i'll put up pics when i can*sighs* life gets more and more complicated as you get older kids.
im out.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 1:03 PM 0 comments
Saturday, April 25, 2009
here's the story, sometimes i cant stand people. there is a couple people in particular; have you ever had anyone who is so stubborn and frustrating to deal with that you just cant stand but you have no choice but to deal with them? thats the situation im in right now. i cant stand this person but i cant just let them sit there and be like that. its frustrating because i couldve had a great relationship with this person if they're willing to change their ways. but they wont and they always play the victim card and they keep pointing fingers instead pointing the finger at themselves. its tiring and im getting white hairs over it. i cant stand them complaining all the time, or ask for help when they can do it themselves and yell at me if im not doing it right. its super draining and on top of that they wonder why im so negatively, well why dont you look in the mirror? i wake up every morning with pain in my neck and shoulders and i know its because of stress.
and those f-ing idiots at six flags hasnt called me yet, i dont get it. EVERYONE who ive worked with last year has gotten a call and gotten some sort of promotion, and these guys havent even worked a full season. ive worked for two seasons and got NO promotion. f-ing politics i tell you. just because im not bright or talkative as the rest of those idiots who work there. im sorry im not going to flirt with the supervisor, which is what everyone else does, to get a promotion. im much better than that stupid shit. if i get a job back there again, it'll be my last season. im so sick of everyone trying to walk all over me at that stupid job, im so sick of f-ing teenagers as supervisors thinking they are the shit because they have more power than everyone. im so sick of the whole operation. and thank god that place is running itself to the ground. good riddance i say.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 11:18 AM 1 comments
Monday, April 20, 2009
4/20 party on man.......
today is the stoners holiday, the day adolf hilter committed suicide, the day of the tragic columbine shootings, and it is also my BFF's bday.
i never got what the meaning of this day was until four or five years ago; which kind of reminds me why i never took any drugs. i still dont know why i didnt. i honestly want to try weed just to see what the big deal is. there are a lot of people that do weed in my town, they grow plants in their backyard, about five years ago there was this guy that got caught for growing a weed garden, not too far from where i live. so yeah weed is easily accessible here. its not like i want to be a low life with a bunch of stoners, and accomplish nothing in my life. ive already been told i will never be anything great, i'll be a failure. so why not? i know quite a few stoners, they're actually pretty intelligient if they go to class, they could probably get a 4.0 GPA.
as probably many of you may or may not know, i go to adrianne curry's blog a lot. i read and comment (and gotten responses from her). she covers a lot of interesting topics.
well here is a response on one of her blogs she wrote about god and religion:
god to me, is very real; the god i believe in is from no book, or religion. god doesnt make things happen, WE make things happen to us. so i wish people would stop blaming god for OUR actions and START blaming OURSELVES. god gave us freewill for a reason, to say why does god not stop rape, war, or poverty, is like saying why i cant i win the lottery? WE have to make that happen. it is quite obvious that god did not put us on this planet so we can live in euphoria for the rest of our lives. WE have to make that euphoria happen, and i wish that people would stop using science to disprove god, and start using science to find god. religion was this idea that people followed because they believed it led them to god. it started to become a problem when people thought that their religion or god was better than theirs, and it became a bigger problem when people started using religion as the foundation of their government. i dont have a problem with people following their faith; i only have a problem when people start putting forcing their beliefs on me (this includes the government). i have my own belief system i follow, and i dont expect anyone to follow it.
with that said....happy 4/20 stoners.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 10:09 AM 1 comments
Thursday, April 2, 2009
what are friends?
well, its been a while since i blogged. ive been so busy seeing my dad and mom in IL and my cousin is coming to visit in a week. i also have a paper and a test in business to prepare for, so yeah ive been busy. i need to see noodles more often, its so hard cause she's hardly ever online, and my mom has my phone. ugh. a lot of my parent's friends (other than my godmother) ask me why dont i have any friends that are indians? there are plenty of reasons for this, although it all adds up to one thing: they are ALL spoiled little stuck up brats. although i've met a couple of exceptions, that is the majority of them. i used to go to this sunday school WAY back when i still lived in MI, and everyone was indian. my mom (and sometimes dad) used to drop me and my brother off and the second the session was done we used to run to my mom's car. we both couldn't STAND anyone there. i also used to go to this indian dance class when i was younger and i HATED it. i HATED everything about it. im sorry i HIGHLY DISLIKE it. the teacher didnt like me, nor did any of the kids. i was a tomboy (still am) and everyone was a girly girl, i just didnt fit in. instead i stuck out like a sore thumb in a bad way. i was constantly criticized for every little thing i did wrong, my mom did nothing about it. my dad accused my teacher for giving other girls special treatment (which she was clearly doing) and denied it of course. i used to love dance, i nearly hated it after that bitch. besides my family and people i consider family, i never trusted indians after that. it's hard for me to trust people in general, i was bullied for so long i have to put my guard up. ive been an outcast for so long it kinda gets tiring after a while when you dont get noticed anywhere. im determined to make people notice me. the good thing that came out of this is that you can ridicule me and criticize me all you want, and i can take it like a man. if u say something really mean, its gonna hurt me for about a few seconds then i'll get over it. ive developed a thick skin over the years and thats something no one can take away from me. however, those that were "supposed" friends of mine would probably laugh at me like they always did, but i could careless, because u never cared for me and never will. thats why i only have a FEW close friends that i openly talk to and share my secrets with. i constantly get scrutinized by my dad because i dont have many friends, i have friends i just dont want to get close with them. i mean why should i? *sighs* i really wish i had bf now. at least i would have someone to talk to besides my bff and my bro.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 20, 2009
nooooooo.....its almost over!
so im back from chicago, it was fun. great food, great places. didnt go downtown though which sucked but parking is a bitch down there. i love the chi. i would go back in a heart beat. i came back on wednesday and now spring break is almost done and i have to get started on some work. i have to get started on my interviews for business and i have to finish up my poem for poetry. i have some pictures below.
sometimes i find my life to be so frustrating. one family member wants to leave and never come back (although they've been saying that for the last five years). one family member wants to pretend we're still one big happy family. and im going "we have never been a happy family!" im getting gray hairs because of this. im only 19! i should technically be "doing something better with my life" because apparently all 19 year olds know what they want to do for the rest of their lives. its so frustrating because i feel all alone. i feel like no one understands what im going through. its a freaking miracle that i havent done any drugs yet.
seriously anyone who's ever been through what i have has
a) OD'd
b)cut themselves
or c) seen a therapist.
i have done none of the above. my dad is like "oh none of you make me happy so im just going stay at my apartment till i get what i expect from all of you" crap. all because i said "being a scientist isnt the only type of intelligence that you can have". im so sick of trying to defend myself everytime. okay so no, im not the scientist like you are, you dont have to call me dumb for that. what kind of close mindedness is that? just because people dont think like you do doesnt mean they're not any smarter than you are. yeah i failed at chemistry, so what? so did half the students in my class. why? because i went to a ARTS school. where it is known for theater and music. i didnt get accepted anywhere else because i am not a good test taker. never have been , never will be. i got an average score for my ACTS and i dont want to graduate from a major university, i dont. whats the point of spending a lot of money going to a school thats really well known when u can learn the same stuff at a local school thats not really well known for a different price? thats like going to a betsy johnson store and spending $600 on the same dress that you could buy at goodwill for $6. or a stripper at a high end club (like i would know) its dumb and not financially savvy.
ugh im so tired of going through the same motions with people who dont seem to get (or ever will get) where im coming from.
im so tired of dealing with the same issues over and over again like its groundhogs day.
im tired of working out and dieting and not seeing results. (instead of losing weight, im gaining weight).
im tired of crying over things i cant control.
im tired of the paul walker poster, that i keep forgeting to take down in my room.
im so tired...
im tired of being unhappy period.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Sunday, March 15, 2009
ah spring break
so im finally on spring break, guess where i am?
guess where i am.
no not in cancun
wrong again.
im not in panama city
give up?
im in...drum roll please.....chicago!!!
in my dad's apt with my mom and my brother!!!
yeah im lame, i know. but i barely go to chicago anymore, and i forgot how much i miss it. hell ive practically lived here for the past 10 years! i barely ever go to the city. its so much more diverse then kenosha. i have a wonderful field picture i took at twilight, that i'll show when i get back on wednesday. i was thinking about how much of a tomboy i was growing up. i mean yeah i played with dolls, but at the same time i knew so much (and played) sports than any other girl my age and from the sixth grade onwards i wore nothing but jeans. only wear make up on special occasions, and now i work out like crazy. wow im an adrianne curry. only im more mellow.
im gonna buy her book when it comes out, im sure she has a lot of interesting stories to tell about her reality tv gigs and her life in general. i look up to her because she reminds me of a much harder me (minus the drugs) about two-three years ago. but most of all she overcame a lot hardships because she has the drive to do anything and everything she wants. if she can do it so can i. im not going into the entertainment industry because its hard to succeed there. epecially nowadays no matter how talented you are, you got to have connections and luck, and be willing to sell your soul and dignity. im not that type of person. thats why you'll never see me in a reality show.
im a hardass at times , just ask my family. but i would NEVER let anyone talk shit about them or me. my family and my close friends mean a lot to me, they would do anything for me. i have a hard head and im stubborn, and you dont wanna be around me when you catch me in a bad mood, believe me. i can be a real asshole at times, and hard to deal with, but thats me being a human. we all have good and bad days. and its up to us what we do with it.
anyways, ive always been a midwestern girl thats never gonna change, always had this mouth that gets me in trouble, but ive always loved everyone who cares about me. even if im a hard ass. they're always there.
so to all of you guys, even you who is reading this, thanks for putting up with my bullshit.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 1:27 PM 0 comments
Friday, March 6, 2009
flavor of the year
as an indian i would like to say i am so upset that slumdog millionaire won for best picture at the oscars. why? anyone who knows bollywood would know movies like slumdog are made every year in bollywood. . it only got the attention it did because it was......wait for it.......directed by a WHITE guy. i didnt want to play the race card, but im playing it anyways. Lagaan shouldve won best foreign film at the oscars for its year, but it didnt. and that was a MUCH better plot than slumdog. thats because no one ever takes bollywood seriously. sure, the movies are known for its unlogical plots and belly dancing songs, but every year there are movies that are (if not better) like slumdog. and they are worth watching, im so pissed off that people make fun of the cast as well. you're making fun of people of my culture, you're making fun of me. what i really hate the most is that bollywood is becoming this trend in hollywood. watch people are going to be wearing saris on the red carpet soon. its not a trendy thing for me, its life. i live in my culture everyday, and i absolutely hate the fact that hollywood is explioting MY culture.
on related news, i was at my dad's apartment the other day, and i was watching trivial pursuit and there was this guy that claimed he was the doppleganger of, the king of bollywood, shahrukh khan (SRK). first of all, except for the cheekbones, he looked nothing like the guy: he was too short, looked mexican, and his hair was brown and he was tan. in case you dont know how shahrukh looks like just look below. and if u seen the trivial pursuit episode i was talking about, you know what i mean. well i guess thats all for now. i'll write later this weekend, after i study for my psych test, and write my ballad for poetry of course, till then.......
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 11:12 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 27, 2009
so no one told u life was gonna be this way........
i dont watch the new not only because its boring and depressing, its repetitive. who wants to hear about octomom for the millionth time? im also really sick of hearing another bank spending OUR tax dollars to give bonuses and vacations to the people who fucked up. im also really sick of hearing the economy is in crisis. no shit sherlock. its been in crisis for the past three to four years you didnt report about it then did u? most of all im really sick of hearing that obama will save us. as ive said before realistically, it will take a decade if that, to get us all out of the shit hole bush dug us in. its almost like no one even cares for the hard working people like my dad, and noodle's dad. they care about heidi and spencer though. those asshats dont deserve a bit of my attention. i dont even watch that show, yeah thats what little girls ahould look up to, those uneducated blonde/brunette bimbos that think the only problems in the world revolve around what they have is with their boyfriend/ex boyfriend or the girl who used to date her boyfriend or the girl who used to be her friend and girl who supposedly spread rumors about you. im sorry you could go to any high school in america and find the same drama. it also pisses me off for people to say that those girls are so beautiful, when theyre so ugly on the inside.
speaking about beauty, what the hell is beautiful? real women inside and out are beautiful anymore? having natural curves isnt beautiful anymore? having a natural face isnt beautiful anymore? being thin naturally isnt beautiful anymore? ugh it just bothers me to see that men have such high expectations for women, cuz when they see the women in the sports illustrated swimsuit edition cover, they think oh ow thats a beautiful woman, when you look closer at the picture you can see that the girl's arm is the same size as her legs. and they pose in such ways so you dont see their bones that are popping out of their body. ugh disgusting if u ask me. and hollywood is so thin that i saw on E! news (yes one of the few times i watch) this person who wrote this book, called the "other side of hollywood" or something like that, said that celebs often lie when tell how they get thin. which dooesnt surprise me one bit. they go to extremes even getting prescriptions that are supposedly for ADD but they're for dieting. hey i know one thing that can help you to lose weight, eat healthy and excercise. well im one to talk since i ate taco bell and a bunch of other stuff today. (what? my mom was supposed to be back two hours ago)
anyways enough of me ranting.......i have enough to worry about. so i'll post another blog about some thing soon till then.....
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 1:15 PM 1 comments
Sunday, February 22, 2009
i told u i'd be doing this more often.
so i know my last post was a little spur of the moment, but i couldnt help it. that was one disturbing picture, if chris really did do that to rihanna (which it looks like he did) next time i see him he'll be getting a taste of his own medicine. that shit is horrible. anyways enough about that. i constantly find myself listening to songs from two or three years ago, the new songs i did listen to are from duffy, who is awesome, and from shinedown (thanks noodles), no new hindi songs, except from dostana, which i really like. even though i still find "desi girl" really annoying. but its the same with any britney song, its so annoying that you somehow find yourself singing it a week later. listening to all my LP and M5 songs i came to realization that no band since these two has had as much success (jonas brothers doesnt count) or has made as good music. im so disappointed with todays music, with a only a couple of exceptional bands like paramore and 3 days grace. i only like indie stuff now like The Like, and Rock Kills Kid. i REALLY liked sara bareilles, before she went mainstream. she used to be a you oughta know artist on VH1 before she was big and i saw her open for M5 at AllState back in'07. i thought she was amazing, she had a lot of soul in what she did. now it seems like shes part of the whole mainstream act. people think that LP did the same thing, they were underground before they hit it big with "in the end" but i think they're success kinda speaks itself doesnt it? and no they're not sell outs, selling out is losing who are as a band and making music that people you think want and from the interviews and chats ive read they're happy with MTM. and they wanted to make something different too, who wants to hear another meteora or hybrid theory? i do too, but they wanted to prove something and if you cant respect that then maybe you shouldnt be a fan.
so M5 is also in the studio too, did i ever tell you how close LP and M5 follow each other? i swear they practically have the same gigs within days of each other. they even recorded with the same producer on their last albums. in the same place! weird if i ask me. so anyways on M5's homepage it says their in the studio, so LP and M5 are in the studio at the same time AGAIN! but M5 hasnt said anything about studio time or rehearsals or about possible songs. unlike LP where mike let us know about the music he's been making. cant wait for both albums. and i cant wait for chesters solo project, from what ive read and seen, its going to be all rock.
enough about music im wanna talk about a radio me and my brother listen to, his name is christoher reburn, and he talks about a lot of spiritual stuff, if your into that type of thing u can go to and type in reburn in the search box, and just click on christopher reburn. im a very spiritual person, religion has been as JT says"dead and gone" for so many years to me. my mom hates that i wont pray with her or do anything religious with her anymore. and we get into fights because of it. come to think about it, we fight over everything.
as far as school goes i got done with my poem for poetry class, its really good i'll post it when i can. i also got done with my business exam, it went really well. so thats it for now till then......
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 10:16 AM 0 comments
Friday, February 20, 2009
rihanna and chris brown update.
as i previously expressed in my blogs, i dont care too much about these two but when you come across a picture like the one below, you cant ignore it. hey chris i got a message for you: you messed with the wrong girl. you do realize she's part of jay-z's crew? do u know what happened to the last guy who messed with his crew? yeah im talking about ja rule. he doesnt have much of a career now does he? now i dont like TMZ, i personally think that they're jobless idiots, but i heard that they're pretty reliable when it comes to documents and pictures. and another thing chris: you just lost of my respect, and a lot of your fans too. good luck trying to redeem your career now u piece of shit.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Sunday, February 15, 2009
everything is bullshit.
yup thats right i said it, everything and everybody is bullshit. i feel that everyone is ganging up on me for no reason. i was just playing halo 3 with my brothers friend and my cousin and my brother, we were all on teams, and i was teamed up with my brother's friend. well my brother and my cousin thought it would be funny to team up and kill me all the time because it would be easier. once i knew what theyre little game was i got pissed, then i walked off. i cant take this kind of bullshit anymore. I CANT! im so mad at them right now. for once i would like to be good at one thing, and i cant. i just cant. i try to get better and its hard because they get better too. i want to just quit everything while im at it. now i know how noodles feels when she wanted to kill herself. cause i feel my life is worthless at times. i cant play anything, i cant do anything. i fail anything i try. and now im a failure. have been and always will be, i will never be anything good even if i tried. i dont have any goals, i feel that im not gonna be good in business, cause i suck at that. i suck at math, and science. i suck at EVERYTHING. sometimes i wonder where that little girl who used to be so ambitious and who wanted to try new things went. i used to have so many dreams when i was a kid and now i know that i cant do anything. im gonna die alone, not be anything , collecting tax payers money as i live off of welfare. im gonna be no one, nothing good. i suddenly feel sorry for the woman with the octuplets, cause she had no one motivating her as a child. as im writing this with tears rolling down my face, i cant help but wonder if i die now will anyone remember me?
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 1:35 PM 1 comments
Thursday, February 12, 2009
ahh doing a post at school
so its been awhile since my last post. im gonna try and post more often. so i just finished my first psych exam, a little harder than i expected but it was okay. did any of u see the grammys? i did. well some of it at least, i skipped all the parts with miley, the jo blows, and taylor swift. so M5 got robbed this year, so did Jason Mraz i mean seriously, John Mayer has enough grammys. But im glad Duffy and Adele got grammys cause they deserved it.
sooo in other news, LP is working on their new album i cant wait to hear that, Mike says its gonna be a mix of the old and new stuff. and can you believe what chris brown did to rihanna? normally i wouldnt talk about these two, cause i could care less about them but what ive heard is that chris brown beat rihanna up! (about time someone did too), now let me just say that i hate domestic violence and that chris brown aint a man for hitting a girl. but chris you hit the wrong girl! you shouldve hit miley! lol. yeah his career is OVER. i used to think he was a nice guy but damn just when you had everything figured out.....BAM! shit like this comes at you. and i HATE rihanna but i feel bad for her, poor thing, i really hope she gets out of that thing called a "relationship"
did u see how much the lady with the octupulets looks like a cracked out fatter version of angelina jolie? and her babies??? my god they look like they're about to die any second! that woman is more delusional than courtney love. and courtney love has a serious case of personality delusional cracked out disorder.
im so sore from working out, ive also helped my dad move into his new apartment in oak lawn,IL. since he works there and all, and my mom is helping him settle in this week. yeah and my bro and i got the house to ourselves till friday. so thats it for now, im gonna post more pics up when i can (or when i feel like it) so buh bye.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 1:18 PM 0 comments
Monday, February 2, 2009
i know im lazy
so whats been up? my classes are going well so far, the quizzes ive had are not hard at all. worst case scenario: C- final grade. what else is going on, well noodles was feeling very isolated and vulnerable, so she didnt talk to me for a week. it wasnt me it was just a mix of her therapy and stuff. if u wanna know more then read her blog. i havent been taking any pictures lately cause i havent felt inspired. i cant pursue being a real photographer, cause 1. im an amateur and 2. i dont think im THAT good. sure the marker picture was good, (or the "flowers of markers" as my godmom calls it) but i cant come up with those every time. i would love to print some of my pics and put them on my walls, replacing my old posters. speaking of posters i need to find and LP poster.
on to my next topic: things that irk me.
my brother mentioned this on his blog; about people coming into this country, and just completely dissing it. ive seen this not too long ago, people coming from afar because they cannot get opportunities like we have her in the US , in their country. yet they go on dissing it saying "why should we learn about your history? , its so unfair!" ummm because you're LIVING IN IT DUMBASS. have some respect for the people that are actual citizens of this country, we may not be as smart, as healthy, a a greater economy (yes i do realize its the whole global economy thats in a meltdown) as you do. but when you come into our country and say those things, be careful who you say them too.
and my god do i HATE people especially, conservative christians, and just religious fanatics in general. just because you're book says that gays shouldnt be together, doesnt mean they wont. im in a generation where gays come out when they're in high school, maybe even younger than that. i knew a lot of gays, and even found out that a childhood friend of mine was gay a while back. i was even in a play with a gay guy. gays are no different than us, they are human beings. they do not like it when they're being discriminated against, yes im talking about gay marriage. it IS discriminatory if your not letting people do a thing, or an action (such as marriage) because of their race, gender and/or sexual orientation. that is my own definition, so dont go looking it up and say "thats not what it says". after being around bisexuals and gays, i know this: you cant choose who you love, its just a feeling you cant control. and no im not gay, im as straight as a boat.
adrianne curry decided to start her own religion "the church of aslan" go to her myspace blog or look it up. and while your at it look up "the church of the flying spaghetti monster". these are satiric views on religion. i didnt join these churches simply because i have my own belief system. im not a non believer, but im not a book reader either (book meaning holy book). i just consider myself a very spiritual person. i do like the churches though (the church of aslan, and flying spaghetti monster). but i do believe in a god. just not the god written in the holy books. and those who believe in that, good for you but please dont impose your views on me or i'll feed you to adrianne.
well thats all for now till next time.........
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 17, 2009
my unpopular opinons
i started this list on my last post, which included my opinions on kanye, britney, angelina, and more.
here are some non celeb opinions:
i dont think there should be a black history month, yes you heard me right. it has been shoved down my throat since second grade. now before you call me a racist just hear me out: i think that we should give other cultures a chance to celebrate there own "black history month" hey if it wasnt for Ghandi there wouldnt be a MLK day. black history month is taught and celebrated at schools all over the country. why not show all the other cultures that make the united states so unique?
i dont like politics. never have never will, but when i voted i didnt vote for obama. however since he is going to be in office i think if he surrounds himself with the right people he will do fine, though he will be tested and i can see him being either triumphant or being a epic failure. but he is a smart man, im sure he wont let us go lower than we already are.
MTV should change their name to RTV for reality television and make MTV Hits their major network. i mean at least VH1 has videos early in the morning and late at night.
and a few more from what i put in the original thread on the M5 boards:
*madonna, please retire. you know your time is up when your inducted into the rock and roll hall of fame.
*TLC IS the best girl group to come out of the 90's, even better than destiny's child.
*i fear for the next generation's alternative rock crowd, cause they think their music is actually good. although paramore isnt bad at all.
*chester bennington (did i spell that right?) of linkin park has got to be the best rock singer to come out of this decade. no one else sings like this guy and you cant believe it when you hear him live.
*rock kills kid is the best indie find, one day they're gonna play for a soundtrack for a movie and they'll be huge. to you can view their myspace here
last but defintely not the least...
*American Idol is nothing but a fixed reality popularity contest, there i said it
i'll probably post new photography pictures up soon in my next post. till then....
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 6:55 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
im baaccckk
from vacation, its been fun hanging with my favorite cousin for ten days. we ate good food, ice skated, played "buzz" and "guitar hero II" at his best friends place (my bro beat us at both), played lots of "halo 3" (my bro is undefeated, but i almost beat him one time), we saw "the curious case of benjamin button" (its really good, the only thing i have against it is that its too long although you dont even notice its been that long), went shopping i finally got my Linkin Park shirt i always wanted from Hot Topic ( a gift from my cousin), and i bought my brother and cousin clothes from the Nike store, i got myself i pair of workout pants WITH pockets and a workout shirt. we also went to Nebraska Furniture Market (which is the biggest furniture i ever seen btw) and i even got my own camera. look..
first picture going down: my cousin, me trying to put on ice skates (hey it was hard and trying to walk in them was harder), one of my photography pics, the scene was just so beautiful, and the last one is my fav pic ever.
and those are just a few. thats my vacation in a nutshell, i'll upload my parents pics from their trip to india, and boy are they good.
someone had this thread on the M5 message board on unpopular music opinions, well mine are just unpopular opinions in general (well some are at least) here's what i wrote on there:
*angelina is NOT a good person (just google in decean herald and angelina and you'll see what i mean) she can adopt all the babies and fly over to help refugees all she wants it still isnt going to change my mind about her AND she is an overrated actress,
*brad pitt is a fantastic actor (just see curious case of benjamin button, fight club and seven) so is the late heath ledger, will smith, denzel washington, tom hanks, and johnny depp and few more i cant think of right now
*i agree with Nas and say that hip hop is dead, well GOOD hip hop is dead at least.
*kanye west needs to shut the hell up, he is not gods gift to rap. his music is a 7 at best.
*old school rock is pure gold, but some current rock is good you just have know where to look
*john mayer is a ladies man, his music is not as good as it used to be. even though i do love his guitar licks.
*i dont think people will ever take britney seriously
*christina has an amazing voice one of the best in this decade
*jessica simpson needs to go away along with miley cyrus and anything associated with disney.
*i want scripted sitcoms to make a comeback. instead of this reality (though im guilty of watching some myself) bullshit
*rihanna is overrated she cant sing worth shit, way overexposed, and is not good looking whatsoever.
*alicia keyes is probably the best soul singer to come out of this decade
*im afraid that M5 might lose its edge because of the constant change in music, its the edge that made SAJ so great, there was very little "edge" if at all in IWBSBL.
*a little prediction of mine thats probably not a far out prediction but adam will have his own solo career, depending where he wants it to go, it'll probably be successful.
*miley cyrus, and the rest of the disney clan need to act their own age
*bollywood needs to stop plagerizing music, but that wont ever happen
well i'll put more photography pics and vacation pics up as soon as i can, hey i need to think of a photographer name so i can put it on my tags. if u can think of one leave a comment. till then....
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 8:32 PM 1 comments