it's a movie everyone should see if you want to understand the healthcare debate more. its a documentary by the producer and director of fahrenheit 9/11 micheal moore. i got very furious when i learned how health care was really run in this country. people are turned down left and right for reasons so ridiculous that it even makes our former president look smart. no one deserves the type of treatment by our insurance companies, who turns down claims for coverage as life threatening as a brain tumor and as stupid as a yeast infection. universal healthcare seems to be the way to go. our government makes universal healthcare out to be this fearful socialist thing. like "omg it's socialist. socialism leads to facism and facism leads to communism. we aint no commie country!" BS. our whole country is runned by socialism. we pay for our post office, library, firefighters, police all with what? our TAXES. why not health care? i'll tell you one thing: i'd rather have taxes raised for universal healthcare then for going to war (a war which shouldn't have happened in the first place). our government is soo good at scaring the citizens into thinking things that are not true.
exhibit a: the H1N1 virus aka the pandemic that'll end the human race.
i have taken enough psychology classes to know that if someone of authority (the government) says the H1N1 virus is deadly enough times then one will believe it since no one is active enough to look at the facts, which is it's a strain of flu that no one has seen before. get it? a STRAIN OF THE FLU. so while everyone is washing their hands like an OCD maniac, im sitting here wondering, when this gets off the news will anyone still wash their hands?
the same is said for universal healthcare...."omg if you have universal healthcare you'll have to wait months to get a checkup/surgery/whatever" well according to sicko, that is pure fiction. you will have to wait just minutes to get a check up with no fee whatsoever. and in london, they even pay YOU for the transportation fees to get to the hospital.
we don't have to let families drown in medical debt, we can have universal healthcare. it's not that hard we just have to do it. and make those republicans admit their mistake.
thats it for now...if you have an opinion about healthcare leave a comment
The franchise is coming back
8 years ago
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