well finals are done and over with *sigh of relief*. this whole semester was a whirlwind of craziness for me. hell this year is almost done, and only half of it was crazy. *another sigh* well im going to my cousin's for xmas and new years. its going to be fun (hopefully) since my cousin is the most boring person you'll ever meet. you can see from his blogs how boring he is lol. oh yeah here in kenosha we got an incredible amount of snow....14 inches!!!!!! on top of that our snowblower is a piece of shit. it only works with an electric starter and even with that it'll take a while to start. it took me and my brother a total of two and half hours to clear our entire driveway. i would show you pictures, but i didnt buy a camera yet. in the mean time here are some other pics to look at. as always they are all originals:
that last one was taken in my room, (i know that coulve been better) well until next time.....
Saturday, December 20, 2008
here i am again!
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
been a long time......
ha ha i was just thinking of "try again" by aaliyah when i was putting in my title for this blog. well, my parents have gone out of the country to india, so me and my brother have the house to ourselves for three weeks before we go to kansas to visit my cousin, naveen. my parents are so paranoid that they keep calling us every 12 hours, i get that they miss us and all but come on. the semester is almost over (thank god) and i couldnt be happier. my chemistry class is a pain in the ass. seriously i have bruises on my ass from sitting down and studying for so long (and still doing bad on the tests). oh and did i mention that i was getting white hairs from the stress? cause i am. the photography is going great i'll upload pictures as soon as i can. since the comp has reformated because a new trojan virus attacked my antispyware and i (well by "i" i mean my brother) had to reformat everything. it was my fault that i forgot to update, but he said that the comp needs to reformat every couple of years so it wasnt all my fault. i did save everything on a external hard drive so as soon as i find where my brother kept it i'll put the pics up. i am also currently looking for a digital camera of my own. since my parents took the camera for the india trip im stuck without it. how am i going to live u ask? just by editing more of old pictures. oh yeah, my BFF noodles got a new car, so the pressure is on for me to get one. i'll probably do what she did and get one from a car auction. i look at it now and realize i need a lot of things: car, camera, boyfriend, ect. ugh im such a late bloomer on everything. on a unrelated note, my brother broke the violet angel that my godmother gave to me, he said he was stretching and he accidently knocked it off the wall and broke its wings. ugh. not to mention he also tried passing the tv remote to me and it slipped out of his hands and it hit the side of my upper lip. i think the remote must've somehow cut my gums in a way cause i started bleeding. my brother was like "oh my god!" and almost puked at the sight of blood (seriously, he's supposed be in the medical field, but claims that in physical therapy you don't deal with blood). im fine now a little swelling beneath my lip. at first it felt so tight that i thought i was janice dickinson putting collagen into her lips. yes an ANTM reference once again, and yes im so glad that the girl from illinois (mckey) won! she was the best one in my opinion. that show along with some other reality shows, like rock of love charm school and other VH1 celebreality shows are seriously guilty pleasures of mine. i can talk rock of love charm school too, but i wont take up the space. i'll just say this: lacey is a manipulative psychotic bitch and jessica was a sweetheart. i think i'll wrap it up for now, and i'll get you those pictures next time.
till next time....
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 8:05 PM 0 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
i wrote a song
it was during my free hours at school.
it has sort of an evanesence feel to it. i dont know if this is a song that LP can pull off, i sound like i have been writing songs to artists forever, but i havent. i actually dont write too many songs. and i dont get paid to (although i wish i did) write songs for artists. and yes i do know that LP and evanesence (as far as i know) write their own songs. but one can dream cant they?
My Own Worst Enemy
(acapella soft)
I feel so trapped beneath me with this pain
Lunging around me like an open cave
I don't think this will ever mend
This could all be coming to an end
(cue drums, and guitars)
Please stop pretending that Im not there
Please stop pretending that you dont care
because its not fair
that you left me here all alone
in the dark where it's so cold
and when I lie on my bed
I taste the tears that I shed
When I sleep its nothing but you in my dreams
and I hold my breath so I cannot scream
Why dont you walk away like you always do?
Why dont you run around me because I wont move.
Now I see
You are not who I'd thought you be
My own worst enemy
verse 2
I loved you for so long
I prayed for you so you could belong
but you couldnt see the sacrifice that I made
I was in pain, couldnt breathe couldn't make a sound
Lying here helplessly on the ground.
and its now that you realize that you need me around.
Oh I wish I could turn back time
so you could see that your mistakes werent mine
chorus 2x
I tried and I cried
All those years and all those times I've wasted on you
You still can't look me in the eye and tell me the truth.
Now I know who you are, and thats not what I want to be
My Own Worst Enemy
My Own Worst Enemy
You didnt catch me when fell
Now you put me in this hell
I want to blame this all on you
but in the end, its all my fault.
and I tried and I cried
All those years and all those times I've wasted on you
You still can't look me in the eye and tell me the truth.
Now I know who you are, and thats not what I want to be
My Own Worst Enemy
You're not you I thought you'd be
My own worst enemy.
songwriter: Supriya
well thats it....leave some feedback. i'll post something regular next week.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
i know its been forever
i know, i havent posted in a while, ive been busy and my best friend was in the hospital. today's topic is about religion and spirituality. i havent always been a fan of religion. im was raised a hindu and i hated the way that things were taught to me. "fear god supriya" thats what was basically told to me my entire life. i went to a damn sunday school that taught me this crap. what they said was basically "you dont love god/religion/ect, if you dont pray everyday, take bath and go to the place of worship" and i was like "but doesnt god love everyone?" and they wouldnt answer me. i believe in somethings of my religion, like that we all reincarnate after we die. that there is life after death. there is a god, or a higher being. i believe in prayer, but i don't believe in asking god for things that we did to ourselves. here's what i dont believe (any religion): i don't believe that god "says" things in whatever book or scripture the religion is based on. i dont believe that doing ritual religious things will get you closer to god. what bugs me the most is when people pray, do pooja or whatever ritual thing they do, go to the temple or church, and not knowing WHY they do it. "oh i do it for my family" or "i do it cause i've been doing it my whole life" the point of religion is to have some sort of order in society. back in the day when the US was still colonizing, most of the orders and laws were religion based, and it still is religion based ("in trust of god" on our money, "one nation under god" in our pledge of alligience and swearing to tell the truth on the bible in court, ect). its clear that religion has done major damage to the world and i think we shouldn't have any religion. i say let's be spiritual. let's go and meditate for about an half hour, that'll be our ritual. lets go pray and LISTEN to the god that we know and love since god is one. that would be our sunday mass. if we all did that, there would be no war, there would be no disagreements, there would just be love and happiness. i know i sounded like i smoked some weed, but seriously we should ban religion. there would be much chaos, but the change would be for the better.
in other news, AIG is planning to use 10% of the 700 billion dollars bailout to use for get this.........BONUSES! if they do this...it'll be the last straw. im telling you we are very very very close to revolt. and before you know it, it'll be like the "shadow of the day" video. where everyone is going rioting, going nuts against the government. this country is in a very deep hole and it will be a very long time till we get out. not obama, not mcain, not palin (to hell with her and her maverick) and not biden, can stop what is going to happen to this country. as the awesome adrianne curry says "we're seeing the fall of rome people"
so long for now, i gotta get ready for class and i have to turn in a appeal to the parkside police dept. ugh. i hope it goes well.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 12:03 PM 0 comments
Saturday, October 11, 2008
obama a terrorist? and other things
wtf? just because his family is from Kenya and they are african muslims....they are terrorists??
i just saw this video on adrianne curry's myspace blog (check it out, if you havent already) that shows how ignorant people are. the annotations are hilarious though.
anywho...today was more relaxing....although i should be studying my chemistry and math stuff...i was taking a day's break from it. my diet and excercise is going well....i cut down my chocolate intake and pushing myself harder in the gym.
ive noticed i havent gone on to my fav bands message board(s) a whole lot anymore, well thats because of school....its taking over....dun dun DUN. i just found out that Adam L was in a PSA for voting "5 Friends" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0vtHwWReGU0 he's on 1:30....i usually find out about these things on the boards, but since i look at them probably twice a week now, I found out about this through another fellow blogger and a friend of mine when she posted the video on myspace. although i do keep up with mike shinoda's blog (kick ass blog, btw), through my follower's feed. i dont know much about the band except that LP would be working on a new album soon and that they had to cancel a number of shows due to chester's back injury (man! the guy keeps getting hurt doesnt he?)
and on TV...i love my shows...the big bang theory, how i met your mother, pushing daisies, private practice, grey's anatomy, my name is earl, and a new show i found during the summer: burn notice (KICK ASS). and unscripted television: i have my beloved antm. which had a cycle 10 rerun today. whitney won that cycle, which most people (including me) think is a publicity stunt done by tyra and co. since she would be the first plussie winner of the series. i didnt care who won in that cycle to be honest as long as it wasnt dominque or fatima. as both were the bitches. whitney may have come across as fake to some but since her response to me on facebook seemed genuine. shes all real. this cycle i could see mckey or majorie winning it. though i wouldnt put it pass tyra to make sheena the winner, being an asian, it would make her "the asian winner". sam is just getting too annoying and since that judgemental bitch clark is gone it seems though as if its back to modeling. but with lauren brie's departure and ty's reason was because of....wait for it......PERSONALITY. what kind of bs is that? LB had real couture like pics and one bad photo made her gone. i guess as a veteran antm watcher i should've known that tyrant liked to kick off "boring personalities" to only make room for "rainbow spewing" saliesha's. one thing tyrant, those "boring personalities" become ....guess what? TOP MODELS! look at mollie sue and elyse...both have said to either "lack passion" or have "boring personalities" but with that boring personality, mollie sue got a.....you guessed it....VOGUE SPREAD. and elyse is .....you guessed it again...HUGE in asia. people called alice berdue, winner (thats right, WINNER) of AusNTM (australias next top model) a "boring personality" but her high fashion look, got her walking for all the big names in the business, an ad for D&G and two...TWO VOGUE COVERS....and many more to come. so i ask this miss tyra, does personality count? cause to be a top model...doesnt look like you need one. unless ur naomi.
so thats it. for now....at least. i'll talk about spirituality and why i dont believe in religion next time. :)
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 11:15 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 28, 2008
so lets talk about stuff... REAL stuff.
sorry i havent been able to post lately i had a chem exam that i was studying my ass off for. (if i get less than i B: prepare for an angry blog). i saw Eagle Eye yesterday it was very good B+ to an A- movie, it'll be worth your money to watch it. im going on a diet now. im usually a pretty healthy eater in the day, but in the night i just pig out on junk. which i have to stop. i excercise regularly, so working out is not a problem, just the diet needs a little work. its not like "omg is soooooo fat i need to work out three hours a day in the gym" i think im fine but there's some areas i need to work on. my brother is a physical fitness and rehabilitation major and researched everything that i need to do in order to lose those extra pounds. im hoping for 135 by the end of the year. since january i have gained a LOT of muscle. and maybe lost a couple of pounds. i KNOW that i lost i couple of inches off my waist, cause i see it. and my ass is getting more toned. so i know its muscle im gaining and not fat. but to lose that flab i still see, i need to eat healthier that i am eating now.
okay enough talking about me, lets talk about politics. REAL politics. so i was watching the debates on saturday? or friday?...whatever day i was watching it. and it seems to me that both of them don't have what it takes to lead this country. John Mcain is just old. he's so old that he could die in office and Sarah Palin would be president. let me tell you something. I would leave the country and head somewhere other than Canada (cuz they're as f-ed up as us) cuz i dont want HER leading our country. Making abortion illegal even in cases of rape and incest? is she F-ING kidding me?? and supposedly she also wants to ban gay marriage and put them in church to "un-gay" them. i am not gay but, i know a lot of gay people, and they are some of the nicest people i have ever met. and this is the F-ING 21st century! you cannot control who you love! other than that issue, if John Mcain were president, we are still going to be in war for YEARS. and if he wants to draft me, he's gonna have to drag me from my nails. i have the upmost respect for the soldiers that are serving in Iraq, but i do not want to go and KILL INNOCENT people in a COUNTRY that we had NO BUSINESS going into anyway! This war is so f-ed up! we should've came back YEARS AGO. but no BUSH wanted to stay, because he gets f-ing bullied by people who really wants to control this country. and look people Mcain is the guy that voted for Bush and i quote "90 percent of the time". 90 percent! do we want more of the same (and probably worse)?
now i know what you're thinking "Vote Obama!" no.... thats not what im saying. Obama is not going to be the saint that everyone thinks he's going to be. Truth is he is not experienced enough to lead. Yes, he took leadership for many different roles for many different groups, but thats not the same as leading a COUNTRY. It makes me feel slightly better that he has Biden by his side. a man with a lot of experience. Obama says he'll give tax breaks to the middle class and he says he'll make the education better in this country and he says he'll focus more on the environement and he says he'll bring the troops home. notice anything? everything starts with "he says" but what will he DO? the first Bush said we wont have new taxes. well happened with that? Bill Clinton said he didn't have sex with Monica, what happened with that? George W Bush said we'll be out of Iraq soon (back in '03) what happened with that? How can you be so sure (Obama supporters) that he'll do everything he says? Just because he says so doesnt mean he'll do so.
What do I think? Mcain or Obama, I think we're f-ed either way. its gonna take more than four years to repair what Bush has done to this country.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 12:24 PM 1 comments
Saturday, September 13, 2008
ugh i hate rain
doesnt the rain depress you? im a sunshine type of girl, i love the sun and warm weather. i know i shouldnt be living in the midwest. this type of weather makes me not wanna go out anywhere, but its weird cause at the same time the rain makes the colors pop out a lot more. and it makes for good pictures.
i have poems too. lots of them i wrote back in high school. writing these poems to be honest, kept me sane.
here are a couple:
December Nights
I cant believe what you said to me.
You always hit my heart in a place I can no longer feel.
My body is rigid and I hardly know whats real.
And as I walk out into the chilly air I realize that I am not the same anymore.
He screams at me , even though deep inside I know he is right I scream right back at him.
It goes nowhere and I tried my hardest not to cry but I do anyways.
And I dont need anymore scars to my heart.
So, I'll just sit here and wait till the tears stop.
I can hear the wind howling telling my that I cant cry, not now
These December nights are the hardest.
It wasn't like it used to be
Where I was so excited now, its hard for me to keep a smile on my face.
And these tears dry, I wonder why am I feeling this way?
This night ain't gonna get any brighter.
So I might as well stay and watch the wind blow on this December night.
My Crying Soul
My soul cries beneath my eyes.
From when those tears drown in my sorrow
Crying and praying out in the cold .
I am so alone
My soul is dying, because you keep trying to bring me down
My heart is sinking and I keep on thinking why would she?
Everyday I am drained from you
Everyday I get so much crap from you
I am keeping my cool, day by day oh what should I do?
When you look at me, you don't even bother looking at my eyes, my crying soul inside
What have I done to you?
What have I done to make you act so cold?
I cry within my soul because I can't cry anywhere else
I pray to God every single day that I don't do anything stupid to myself.
Why, oh why?
I am so lost within myself, I don't even know who I am anymore.
What's taken over me?
This demon you created, you know it's killing me.
I am lost , and I am crying within myself.
I am trying to forget who you are
And I would love it if you would just leave me alone.
I realize how emo these are, Ive written these at a time of my life where I was alone and isolated from people. I was also listening to a lot of Evanesence too. You can see these and more of my poems on http://www.maroonedangel.deviantart.com/ and www.myspace.com/inncntangel.
and now pics.....when i can get them up that is.....LOL.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 12:35 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
the world and politics
i watch "america's next top model" and i am addicted to it as much as the next teenage girl is. i DO believe most of the reality tv out there is either scripted or highly edited to make for good television. a good example of scripted reality is MTV's "The Hills", if you didn't know that show was scripted you're either 1) really dumb 2) never seen "The Hills" or 3) don't watch TV. i watch antm because it's a guilty pleasure and its fun to watch a bunch of skinny chicks cause drama to each other while trying to achieve the dream of being Americas. Next. Top. Model. yes i do know that a (real) model's career only lasts until they are 22. or if you been on the show it only lasts you the 15 minutes you're off the show. dont get me wrong im not on here to make fun of it (which is making this really hard to do btw) im here to talk about the issues with that show and slowly get into politics.
antm is a fun show, 13-14 aspiring models live under one roof as each week they do a photoshoot/commerical/whatever it is that week (mostly its a photoshoot), and are judged by the egoistic Tyra Banks, fashion photographer, Nigel Douchebag oops i mean Barker, Runway Diva coach extroridinare, Miss Jay Alexander, and 90's supermodel, Paulina Pouriskova (dont know if i spelled that right).
this show USED to be about modeling, as in the first season where my girl Adrianne won. what did she(or as she says "didnt") get? a revlon contract, a fashion spread in Marie Claire magazine and representation from Wilhimena (dont know if i spelled that right either) modeling agency. but she soared above and beyond; being the face of Merit Diamonds:the Sirena collection with a commerical. which is huge for any model. she continues to model for diamonds, not by Merit. but this was the first year. after that she stopped getting calls. and wrote a nasty letter (which she later highly regretted) to Tyra and Tyra responded by not associating her with the show. the cycles 8 and 9, Adrianne was not in the opening credits and in cycle 10 she was not on the winners wall in the house. Although during the reunion show to launch cycle ten on her talk show, Tyra (or her people) supposedly called Adrianne (she mentions this on her radio talk show btw) saying to be a part of this reunion, they supposedly told her that they would apologize to her. Adrianne asked if this would be on the air (or something like that) they said no. and she refused the invitation. I would too. but in the reunion they did mention Adrianne as the winner of cycle one for a split second.
Now going into it's 11th cycle, why is this show so huge ? everyone knows the formula for successful reality television by now
skinny girls + 1 house + 1 (maybe 2) bitch + 1 goal (whether its getting Bret Micheals or being America's Next Top Model) = great tv
now im not here to talk about the show im here to talk about the problem: why be a hypocrite?
okay so everyone knows in season 10 plussie Whitney Thompson won. Although many people claim that this was Tyra's push for a healthier industry and runner up size 0 Anya Kop shouldve won, I thought it was a great choice. Most people end up losing weight anyways after being on the show.
My question is WHY???
there was this article i read on someone who tried out for ANTM and got rejected because.....wait for it.......SHE WAS TOO BIG! this girl was a size 4! and they wanted her to be a "loose size two". thats like loosing 20-25lbs on a already skinny girl! WTF????? she said she was already getting modelling jobs before antm scouts wanted to recruite her. what i want to know is WTF is wrong with a size 4 model? so they dont want a girl that looks healthy in a magazine where lots of young girls will read? i dont get it! why do they pick such skinny models, to pose in underwear for Seventeen? and then have whitney thompson pose in it and look just as good. for ONE ISSUE! (ironically, this is the same magazine, thats one of the prizes in antm)
when is the industry going to realize that its the clothes that matter not the models. healthy is the modelling world is fat. it affects a girls self esteem, it really does and those who say that it doesnt are lying. successful models like, gemma, gisele, and adriana. are all stick skinny with no shape to their body whatsoever. Im sorry, I would rather have some shape to me then starve and have no shape at all. and to those girls that get offended and say "ive had this so called 'starving body' since i could remember, there is nothing you could do about it." um right. see there is this thing called metabolism. and it slows down as you get older. i know cause when i was younger i used to be so skinny people called me anorexic. then when puberty hit and i gained around 25-30lbs. thats why models have short careers.
the way beauty is portrayed nowadays; almost 75% of it, is not even real. some time back i saw a segment on good morning america. on how people alter photographs to make them look "hot". there was this video by dove (you could probably look it up on youtube) on how they do their pictures for a billboard. just the amount of altering just disgusted me. your favorite actress/actor, probably looks like crap in real life because of the amount of make up that is put on them.
i could rant on for days on this subject. but i'll just leave it at this.....is the beauty industry responsible for many of the women that get eating disorders and/or undergo liposuctions every year?
you decide
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 12:45 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Posted by Supriya ♥ at 8:16 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
i know its late but....
here's my review of projekt revolution 2008.
ahhh east troy, wi. not only is it in the middle of nowhere it doesnt have any directions to the f-ing ampitheater! come on! one of the biggest bands in the world are headlining and they couldnt give any signs leading to the place!? my brother and i spent six minutes driving around east troy to find this theater until we stopped to ask someone in a gas station. so when we finally get to the place, it was 3:50ish and we left around 2:15, it took us an hour to get there, but close to ten minutes searching the place.
so, the place was packed. we parked on the lawn. (keep in mind that i never went to any sort of music festival before, this was my first one) and we walked towards the security place where they checked our bags and stuff, while we were walking i notice tailgating parties and mini grills on the back of peoples trucks. girls in bikini tops and shirtless guys drinking beer and playing loud "points of authority" by linkin park out of their car. my mother would've freaked out if she saw this scene. so, we (which is me and my brother) were waiting in the security line when this woman and her group in front of us started yelling at the people that were checking bags. supposedly someone told them that they could bring in a bottled water, they responded that they were out of cups to pour the water in. and they told them "you need to change your website" and they responded "you need to change your attitude" i wanted to LOL but i couldnt since the people looked clearly upset. i mean seriously its not their fault they ran out of cups, you shouldve came here earlier.
so after we got our bags checked and headed to the revolution stage where 10 years was performing. now this is the band i wanted to see, but i only got to see them performing their last two songs, i only know one song of theirs and thats "beautiful" (thanks for that song noodles) which they played last?? im not sure. but i do know one thing: the lead vocalist can SING. they shocked the hell out of me. his voice freaking blew me away. and at the end of the first song i saw them sing he was like "these (mosh) pits are crazy! the girls arent fooling around they're moshing like a bunch of dudes!" im like "yeah i know girls like that, real hard rockers. dont mess around with them" i was in the back, away from the mosh pit and stage but i could see just fine. here's a pic of 10 years, its not the greatest picture in the world but its something
next up is atreyu, now normally i dont like screamo bands but this band had something different about them. was it the fact that they had two singers? or was it the fact that the one song (dont remember was it was called) cussed a lot on the chorus? i dont know. but what i do know is that this band had a lot of energy, and im pretty sure they were feeding off of the crowd cause the crowd loved them. i do know one song which is called "falling down", i really liked that one and it was really good live.
now the set is done and we head to the theater and people were checking the tickets, and i panic a liitle because i couldnt find my ticket, so i started checking everywhere; the bag i was carrying, my pockets, and i eventually found it in my left back pocket. that seriously scared me because i thought i lost my ticket for a second and i thought i wasn't going to see LP, which is what my brother and i were there for. so my brother went inside and found our seats (which werent bad btw, but i wish i couldve been closer) and we saw street drum corps playing: loved the drums hated the singer. seriously i was mesmorized by the drumming but i couldnt stand the singing. i was bored by their performance (singing wise)
then ashes divide was up and i was excited cause i wanted to see an actual band play, not that street drum corps wasnt an actual band but maybe i got confused since mike (shinoda) said that they were "like the blue man group of drumming". these guys were good, but they didnt blow me away like 10 years did. i got excited because the frontman said "how many of you know the movie "the outsiders"?" i , along with hundreds of people,was like "YEAH!" although i havent seen the movie or read the book since seventh grade. then he was like "now how many of you have read the book?" and a few other people, along with me and my brother, were like "YEAH!" now i dont know what he said, perhaps someone could correct me, but i think he said something along the lines of "you are a bunch of illiterate motherf-ers" or "literate motherf-ers" my brother thinks he said "literate motherf-ers" which is good, cause if he said illiterate i wouldve kicked his ass somehow. so they were playing a song called "the outsider" which chester bennington of linkin park supposedly came out and played with them on. i didnt see him or maybe he was there and i didnt recognize him.
oh yeah and all the while ashes divide were playing some (probably drunk off her ass) old 35+ looking lady was dancing like she was "totally jamming out man" it was hilarious.
so after ashes divide ended their set (and which they said they were going to sign t*ts at the musicforelief booth) the bravery came on.
the bravery was an okay band, not really consistant with their songs. but their was one song that stuck to me and my brother and that was "every word from your mouth is like a knife in my ear" why did it stick you ask? well it wouldnt have stuck if they hadnt explained what it was about before they played it. this is what they said and i quote "this song is about someone who manipulates others by scaring them" my brother and i just laughed our asses off because it reminded us of our mom, who did the exact same thing to us when we were younger. so that was funny.
when chris cornell came on the whole theater was nearly packed, now me and my brother didnt listen to any chris cornell nor did we want to, but he really impressed me. chester came out and sang "hunger strike" with chris. and the crowd went nuts. but when chris sang his last song (i think) "black hole sun" it was amazing that whole crowd was singing along, it was great.
and now for the band of the night, and the band that shined over the others: linkin park
okay so, they took forever setting up. but who cares? when street drum corps came out doing their drum thing in the beginning and started doing the beat to "no more sorrow" me and my brother went nuts because i wanted to hear that song live so badly. and then after they left and brad (the guitarist) came out to do his sweet intro solo. and i am sorry you havent heard that song until you heard it live. it was the perfect song to start off the set. i sang the words to every song and screamed until i couldnt anymore. i was really impressed by chester and mike's stage presence. they took control of the stage and brought out amazing energy that no other band did before them. chester walked and jumped around so that even the people on the lawn could see him. his voice is phenomenal and no other singer today can top what he's done on that stage. mike shinoda's jay-z like flows are so smooth it blended so well with the acapella version of "hands held high" he did only the first verse and chorus before jumping straight into "crawling" . which chris cornell (who suprised me) came out and did the second verse. i know that in the live version of "crawling" the "so insecure" part in sung by the crowd but chester didn't let us sing it this time, he sang it. which is cool, i like it either way. this set was filled with favorites like breaking the habit, which the ending was chester doing the chorus acapella, which was amazing and the song that made them "in the end".
they had two encore breaks: one after "one step closer" (which i went crazy on btw) and "faint".
after one step closer people thought they were done were leaving, i told my brother not to go because i heard they do encores. so we stayed and sure enough joe hahn (turntablist) comes out and does "cure for the itch", which for those of you who dont know its an instrumental where mr.hahn does all his scratching on, that was awesome. and after that was "what ive done" where chester messed up his lyrics. but hey i dont blame him, the guys have been on the road for the last three months you're gonna forget things. the next song was "faint" which chester and mike still amazed me.
then there was another break, once again i told my brother not to leave even though he thought they were taking the set down. but it turns out that they were setting up for robs drum solo for "bleed it out" now if you just seen this guy drum on youtube or live in texas. you got to see him actually LIVE, he is so freaking fast on the drums, totally amazed me. then after that the rest of the band came out. chester and mike came out with blonde wigs. mike looking like bret micheals and chester looking like axel rose. and said "you can't take yourself too seriously" then chester just started singing "sweet child of mine" and later mashed it up (or as mike said it "badly mashed up) with "bleed it out" which was the last song of the night.
to sum it all up.....the bands before LP were cool, but LP f-ing owned. it was worth the money and if you havent seen projekt revolution do it now. you'll have a great time.
me and my brother (pic below)
now i do have videos, but they arent any good. but this guy has some great footage of the concert
this is the end of robs solo, the cover of sweet child of mine and bleed it out
this is part 2 of that
this guy had the best crawling video feat chris cornell and there is the hands held high that mike did in the beginning.
same guy with the sweet child of mine videos
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 6:10 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
some random stuff

well i hope that impressed you, if it didnt then screw you. lol i'll post more up later.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 12:16 PM 3 comments
Sunday, August 3, 2008
sit around boys and girls
work is stupid, but the people i work with (well most people) are pretty cool. its just the job. if i end up working there next year it will be because i couldnt find a job anywhere else. this job is a love hate relationship. but i learned a crap load of stuff and i will be set if i get an interview for a job anywhere else. i developed my people skills through this job and im much more talkative then i used to be. truth is that towards the end of the season i am at my wits end with people and so are my coworkers.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 8:27 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
yay my first official blog!!!!
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 12:53 PM 2 comments