sorry i havent been able to post lately i had a chem exam that i was studying my ass off for. (if i get less than i B: prepare for an angry blog). i saw Eagle Eye yesterday it was very good B+ to an A- movie, it'll be worth your money to watch it. im going on a diet now. im usually a pretty healthy eater in the day, but in the night i just pig out on junk. which i have to stop. i excercise regularly, so working out is not a problem, just the diet needs a little work. its not like "omg is soooooo fat i need to work out three hours a day in the gym" i think im fine but there's some areas i need to work on. my brother is a physical fitness and rehabilitation major and researched everything that i need to do in order to lose those extra pounds. im hoping for 135 by the end of the year. since january i have gained a LOT of muscle. and maybe lost a couple of pounds. i KNOW that i lost i couple of inches off my waist, cause i see it. and my ass is getting more toned. so i know its muscle im gaining and not fat. but to lose that flab i still see, i need to eat healthier that i am eating now.
okay enough talking about me, lets talk about politics. REAL politics. so i was watching the debates on saturday? or friday?...whatever day i was watching it. and it seems to me that both of them don't have what it takes to lead this country. John Mcain is just old. he's so old that he could die in office and Sarah Palin would be president. let me tell you something. I would leave the country and head somewhere other than Canada (cuz they're as f-ed up as us) cuz i dont want HER leading our country. Making abortion illegal even in cases of rape and incest? is she F-ING kidding me?? and supposedly she also wants to ban gay marriage and put them in church to "un-gay" them. i am not gay but, i know a lot of gay people, and they are some of the nicest people i have ever met. and this is the F-ING 21st century! you cannot control who you love! other than that issue, if John Mcain were president, we are still going to be in war for YEARS. and if he wants to draft me, he's gonna have to drag me from my nails. i have the upmost respect for the soldiers that are serving in Iraq, but i do not want to go and KILL INNOCENT people in a COUNTRY that we had NO BUSINESS going into anyway! This war is so f-ed up! we should've came back YEARS AGO. but no BUSH wanted to stay, because he gets f-ing bullied by people who really wants to control this country. and look people Mcain is the guy that voted for Bush and i quote "90 percent of the time". 90 percent! do we want more of the same (and probably worse)?
now i know what you're thinking "Vote Obama!" no.... thats not what im saying. Obama is not going to be the saint that everyone thinks he's going to be. Truth is he is not experienced enough to lead. Yes, he took leadership for many different roles for many different groups, but thats not the same as leading a COUNTRY. It makes me feel slightly better that he has Biden by his side. a man with a lot of experience. Obama says he'll give tax breaks to the middle class and he says he'll make the education better in this country and he says he'll focus more on the environement and he says he'll bring the troops home. notice anything? everything starts with "he says" but what will he DO? the first Bush said we wont have new taxes. well happened with that? Bill Clinton said he didn't have sex with Monica, what happened with that? George W Bush said we'll be out of Iraq soon (back in '03) what happened with that? How can you be so sure (Obama supporters) that he'll do everything he says? Just because he says so doesnt mean he'll do so.
What do I think? Mcain or Obama, I think we're f-ed either way. its gonna take more than four years to repair what Bush has done to this country.
The franchise is coming back
8 years ago
Your post is straight to the point...keep up the good work
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