Friday, December 5, 2008

been a long time......

ha ha i was just thinking of "try again" by aaliyah when i was putting in my title for this blog. well, my parents have gone out of the country to india, so me and my brother have the house to ourselves for three weeks before we go to kansas to visit my cousin, naveen. my parents are so paranoid that they keep calling us every 12 hours, i get that they miss us and all but come on. the semester is almost over (thank god) and i couldnt be happier. my chemistry class is a pain in the ass. seriously i have bruises on my ass from sitting down and studying for so long (and still doing bad on the tests). oh and did i mention that i was getting white hairs from the stress? cause i am. the photography is going great i'll upload pictures as soon as i can. since the comp has reformated because a new trojan virus attacked my antispyware and i (well by "i" i mean my brother) had to reformat everything. it was my fault that i forgot to update, but he said that the comp needs to reformat every couple of years so it wasnt all my fault. i did save everything on a external hard drive so as soon as i find where my brother kept it i'll put the pics up. i am also currently looking for a digital camera of my own. since my parents took the camera for the india trip im stuck without it. how am i going to live u ask? just by editing more of old pictures. oh yeah, my BFF noodles got a new car, so the pressure is on for me to get one. i'll probably do what she did and get one from a car auction. i look at it now and realize i need a lot of things: car, camera, boyfriend, ect. ugh im such a late bloomer on everything. on a unrelated note, my brother broke the violet angel that my godmother gave to me, he said he was stretching and he accidently knocked it off the wall and broke its wings. ugh. not to mention he also tried passing the tv remote to me and it slipped out of his hands and it hit the side of my upper lip. i think the remote must've somehow cut my gums in a way cause i started bleeding. my brother was like "oh my god!" and almost puked at the sight of blood (seriously, he's supposed be in the medical field, but claims that in physical therapy you don't deal with blood). im fine now a little swelling beneath my lip. at first it felt so tight that i thought i was janice dickinson putting collagen into her lips. yes an ANTM reference once again, and yes im so glad that the girl from illinois (mckey) won! she was the best one in my opinion. that show along with some other reality shows, like rock of love charm school and other VH1 celebreality shows are seriously guilty pleasures of mine. i can talk rock of love charm school too, but i wont take up the space. i'll just say this: lacey is a manipulative psychotic bitch and jessica was a sweetheart. i think i'll wrap it up for now, and i'll get you those pictures next time.
till next time....


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