Wednesday, August 13, 2008

some random stuff

so im going to projekt revolution in about three days (so excited) the band im seeing is linkin park (of course), im gonna give u all the pics and video i can get. they said this was their last tour (with the exception of the china concert) before they head back into the studio for another album. its the same with maroon 5, a band im not seeing on tour this summer due to the fact that i had to choose between PR and CC/M5. i obviously chose PR because i already seen M5 live (they are great live btw), i also didnt want to see the counting crows. i know the counting crows good and all, but i dont want to see them live. although i was debating on the fact that i would be able to see sara barellies live again. when i saw her at the allstate arena when she was touring with M5 in the fall, this was before "love song" was a big hit, and i remember thinking that this girl was going to be huge. her voice was just phenonemal and i highly regret not meeting her after she done her set since the hives came on afterwards sucked so bad. you seriously couldnt understand the words they were saying it was just plain noise to me. i sat down most of the time during their set.

alright enough about music lets switch gears and talk about a hobby of mine. which is photography.

i got into photography about a couple of years ago. its been a hobby of mine ever since. i just like taking pictures of beautiful, weird, out-there things for the heck of it. my dad says he wants to print some of them out and frame them on the walls of our house. i honestly didnt realize i was any good. and heres a couple of pics ive taken and edited.

well i hope that impressed you, if it didnt then screw you. lol i'll post more up later.


Naveen Raj Janardhan said...

nice pics!!!

Anonymous said...

Ooh, you are a great photographer, Supriya!

primadonna said...

supriya, your pics are amazing. i especially loved the one of the markers. pretty darn impressive.

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