hello all. been a while since my last post, been trying to think of topics, but ive been a little stressed lately.well for one, my parents are trying to sell the house and are pressuring me to transfer my classes to IL. i dont want to because i KNOW that half of my credits wont get transferred over and i will have to start over, which means more years in college and more money. i really need a break from my family , not a long one, but just a day or two away from all of them. im going over to BFF's noodles, place on sunday so maybe that will be my escape. other than that everything is going well for me, im losing more weight by running, exercising, and eating right. my regular classes wont start till september so i still have time to chill.
*insert anchor voice here* in other news. the catalyst released worldwide on tuesday, and i was very pleased with what i heard. its a crazy mix of electronica and hard rock. its really hard to explain, its something you're gonna have to hear for yourself. i hope to see both maroon 5 and linkin park live, but at this rate i dont think its going to happen. *sniffles*
alright lets get to my topic which is "current reality tv".
i dont mind some reality shows, like the food networks "next food network star" and "the amazing race". but shows like "the jersey shore" and "ochocinco: the ultimate catch" really makes me lose faith in this country. the fact that "the jersey shore" gets as much attention as it does is truly astounding. whatever happened to plain ol' scripted television? not just having some over paid actors with bad tans and too much hair gel / spray act like a bunch of idiots? is this what television has come to? these morons were in newsweek. NEWSWEEK! you know the magazine that talks about politics and things that ACTUALLY MATTER IN THE WORLD. what the hell did they contribute to the world to deserve a spot on newsweek? its a sad day in the world when people who earn almost a years worth salary PER EPISODE that act and speak nothing more than a four year old going to preschool rings in the NYSE bell in front of all stock brokers who spent years in college working their asses off getting an education. you know whats even sadder? they are laughing their way to the bank! you know maybe i should forget about getting a degree and act like a dumbass for the cameras, and make 3x as much as my cousin is making at his cubical job.
who can you blame for what passes as television? MTV, who really should change their name to RTV since 99.9% of their programming is reality. and none of those shows are even that good. all im saying is if you name your channel music television, well there damn well better be music on it and not some twenty somethings (or so we're told) fighting and pulling their poofy hair. *end rant*
thats why i like fuse. at least they show music videos.
The franchise is coming back
8 years ago