i havent been writing a lot lately, mainly because of all the things going on around me. my parents moved from their one bedroom apartment to a two bedroom condo. i went to seattle for a family trip, which was fun except for the fact that it rained all the damn time. we went to the rose garden where i took amazing rose photos.
i know it's been a while since i posted pictures of anything, but i just havent been inspired until that trip. my classes at my night class have gotten tougher and i just have been a little down because i have been going into this thing lately where i think im going to die alone. love has not been kind to me in the past, it has bitch slapped in the face and thrown me on to the ground. *sighs* i feel like im 14 again saying all this love crap. sometimes i believe it wont ever happen to me.
well enough of that lets talk about the recent oil spill, to only have two word to say to BP, jack asses. what the hell are they thinking? the spill will magically clean itself up? that obama will step in? which he is in no position to do anything except maybe tell BP to get on it. this is BP's mess and they should clean their crap up. end of story.
my job hunt is still not going well, i got another rejection email about two weeks ago. makes me wanna give up on my job search because most of the places i send my resume to don't even reply back to me. i refuse to go back to my old job, only because i believe it will not take me anywhere. i guess i just have to stick to being a full time student for now.
its also been a year since my mom was diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. she has almost made a full recovery since then. this disease will stay with her for the rest of her life, which means she will be on medication for the rest of her life. i have learned quite a bit too. sometimes life throws you curve balls and you have to roll with the punches. i also learned that not everyone will stick with you when times do get tough, even the ones who knew you forever. i am also very grateful for all those prayers that went to my mom in that time of need. and i am also thankful to anyone who told me that my mom would be fine and lifted my spirits when they were the lowest it has ever been. no one knew how much i have cried every night when she was in the hospital and no one knew how much i wanted to be there in the hospital with her through those rough nights.
although her medication makes her have crazy mood swings, when she is happy, it makes me happy too.
i'll be writing more soon. thats it for now.
The franchise is coming back
8 years ago