Wednesday, December 16, 2009

a letter to the president

Dear President Obama,

I would like to start by saying what a wonderful job you're doing despite all the hardships you are facing. You do not deserve all the stuff you are getting right now since most of it was brought by your predecessor. Don't get too excited, I didn't vote for you because I thought you were inexperienced. I still think you are inexperienced, but you are handling it quite well.

The reason I am writing is because I have an issue to address which is the public education system in this country. I understand you have already raised this issue back in may where you talked about how the system could be improved. With all due respect Mr. President, this is where I have to disagree with you. The system doesn't need money, it needs a new curriculum. I have been a student for most of my life it seems, so, I know what its like to be in a school with no doors and no cafeteria. I also know what its like to have teachers less than qualified "teach" just for a paycheck. However, I have also been to India where the students there go to schools that don't have enough desks or chairs for a class of 50 that only supplies for 30. They still, however, are taught at a higher level than the students in the US by teachers there also wouldn't be qualified US standards.

I think you know all the studies done on the US students vs all the other students in the world, so I won't tell you about them. I will tell you that the core of the problem is not money, it's the attitude. We need to change the current curriculum to make students more focused on their studies rather than sports or entertainment. We need to reward them for hard work and only pass students with a minimum of a B average than a C. We are only limiting students of their greatness if we keep rewarding mediocrity.

How many more dropouts do we have to face before we become the worst educated country? How much more money do we have to spend on re educating workers that do not know basic reading and writing?

We can change this Mr. President, we can change how education works in our country we can change the future, which is our children, because I do not want my kids going through the same education system that I went through.

Thank you for your time.

Supriya A Prasad

Thursday, December 3, 2009

i gotta feeling that im about to sneeze again....about to sneeze again

thats right i got a cold again. i also had to give a speech today while handling my cold. (i did very well thank you very much). i havent taken my vitamins, and the temperature changed from 50 to 30 overnight. anyways ive started up my night classes again the class is about non western religions. everyone seems nice, but seriously the last hour of the class last week was not needed, i was very irritated.

i still cant believe its december. seems like the year just flew by for me, this year has been an emotional rollercoaster filled with mostly downs rather than ups. hopefully next year will be different.

i was recently in a one sided debate with a friend about president obama, she said he hasnt really done anything since he's been in office. which i agree on. but she also said that he hasnt kept any of his campaign promises, im like "what politican does?" she also said that government run healthcare will not work because in canada it takes months to get an mri. well see my blog i did on sicko for that side. my point here is that obama is a man with little experience and he will do well if he listens to those more experienced. this begs the question: is he listening?

i am really tired of the constant attacks on tiger woods. so what if he cheated? is it any of my business if he cheats? how is that affecting me? why should he give a statement, is it any of my concern if he does? i saw a guy on the today show saying that "he should've given a statement within 24 hours, regardless of who is advising him." and to justify that he said "this guy has won multiple championships, he's in the media all the time we have a right to know" um no you f-ing dont! the guy has a right to privacy. he wasnt endangering anybody but himself (physically) and his wife (emotionally) and whoever his mistress is. athletes are athletes, they play, they win and conquer. they dont whore themselves out to the media. hey news outlets here's some advice if the man wants to be left alone...LEAVE HIM ALONE. he's not freaking speidi for godsakes.

i have a love hate relationships with the entertainment media. mostly with TMZ, some of the stuff they put on tv is freaking hilarious but most of it is sad. and with E!, im really sick of the stupid twilight coverage. so freaking what????!!!! i read what's its really about over here.....funny as hell but surprisingly was honestly worse than what i thought it was. that is one f-ked up series. and i read a couple of vampire books too.....WAY better than twilight is. robert pattinson is freaking hot me i really wanted to HATE the guy...he had so many things going against him (well just one) he's british. i saw him on the today show and couldnt help but say "i guess he's not so bad after all" i still hate twilight though.

im pretty sure my bro and my cousin are going to make a list of all the hot women he wants to be with now....and i dont care :)

thats it for now.

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