Posted by Supriya ♥ at 8:16 PM 0 comments
here's my review of projekt revolution 2008.
ahhh east troy, wi. not only is it in the middle of nowhere it doesnt have any directions to the f-ing ampitheater! come on! one of the biggest bands in the world are headlining and they couldnt give any signs leading to the place!? my brother and i spent six minutes driving around east troy to find this theater until we stopped to ask someone in a gas station. so when we finally get to the place, it was 3:50ish and we left around 2:15, it took us an hour to get there, but close to ten minutes searching the place.
so, the place was packed. we parked on the lawn. (keep in mind that i never went to any sort of music festival before, this was my first one) and we walked towards the security place where they checked our bags and stuff, while we were walking i notice tailgating parties and mini grills on the back of peoples trucks. girls in bikini tops and shirtless guys drinking beer and playing loud "points of authority" by linkin park out of their car. my mother would've freaked out if she saw this scene. so, we (which is me and my brother) were waiting in the security line when this woman and her group in front of us started yelling at the people that were checking bags. supposedly someone told them that they could bring in a bottled water, they responded that they were out of cups to pour the water in. and they told them "you need to change your website" and they responded "you need to change your attitude" i wanted to LOL but i couldnt since the people looked clearly upset. i mean seriously its not their fault they ran out of cups, you shouldve came here earlier.
so after we got our bags checked and headed to the revolution stage where 10 years was performing. now this is the band i wanted to see, but i only got to see them performing their last two songs, i only know one song of theirs and thats "beautiful" (thanks for that song noodles) which they played last?? im not sure. but i do know one thing: the lead vocalist can SING. they shocked the hell out of me. his voice freaking blew me away. and at the end of the first song i saw them sing he was like "these (mosh) pits are crazy! the girls arent fooling around they're moshing like a bunch of dudes!" im like "yeah i know girls like that, real hard rockers. dont mess around with them" i was in the back, away from the mosh pit and stage but i could see just fine. here's a pic of 10 years, its not the greatest picture in the world but its something
next up is atreyu, now normally i dont like screamo bands but this band had something different about them. was it the fact that they had two singers? or was it the fact that the one song (dont remember was it was called) cussed a lot on the chorus? i dont know. but what i do know is that this band had a lot of energy, and im pretty sure they were feeding off of the crowd cause the crowd loved them. i do know one song which is called "falling down", i really liked that one and it was really good live.
now the set is done and we head to the theater and people were checking the tickets, and i panic a liitle because i couldnt find my ticket, so i started checking everywhere; the bag i was carrying, my pockets, and i eventually found it in my left back pocket. that seriously scared me because i thought i lost my ticket for a second and i thought i wasn't going to see LP, which is what my brother and i were there for. so my brother went inside and found our seats (which werent bad btw, but i wish i couldve been closer) and we saw street drum corps playing: loved the drums hated the singer. seriously i was mesmorized by the drumming but i couldnt stand the singing. i was bored by their performance (singing wise)
then ashes divide was up and i was excited cause i wanted to see an actual band play, not that street drum corps wasnt an actual band but maybe i got confused since mike (shinoda) said that they were "like the blue man group of drumming". these guys were good, but they didnt blow me away like 10 years did. i got excited because the frontman said "how many of you know the movie "the outsiders"?" i , along with hundreds of people,was like "YEAH!" although i havent seen the movie or read the book since seventh grade. then he was like "now how many of you have read the book?" and a few other people, along with me and my brother, were like "YEAH!" now i dont know what he said, perhaps someone could correct me, but i think he said something along the lines of "you are a bunch of illiterate motherf-ers" or "literate motherf-ers" my brother thinks he said "literate motherf-ers" which is good, cause if he said illiterate i wouldve kicked his ass somehow. so they were playing a song called "the outsider" which chester bennington of linkin park supposedly came out and played with them on. i didnt see him or maybe he was there and i didnt recognize him.
oh yeah and all the while ashes divide were playing some (probably drunk off her ass) old 35+ looking lady was dancing like she was "totally jamming out man" it was hilarious.
so after ashes divide ended their set (and which they said they were going to sign t*ts at the musicforelief booth) the bravery came on.
the bravery was an okay band, not really consistant with their songs. but their was one song that stuck to me and my brother and that was "every word from your mouth is like a knife in my ear" why did it stick you ask? well it wouldnt have stuck if they hadnt explained what it was about before they played it. this is what they said and i quote "this song is about someone who manipulates others by scaring them" my brother and i just laughed our asses off because it reminded us of our mom, who did the exact same thing to us when we were younger. so that was funny.
when chris cornell came on the whole theater was nearly packed, now me and my brother didnt listen to any chris cornell nor did we want to, but he really impressed me. chester came out and sang "hunger strike" with chris. and the crowd went nuts. but when chris sang his last song (i think) "black hole sun" it was amazing that whole crowd was singing along, it was great.
and now for the band of the night, and the band that shined over the others: linkin park
okay so, they took forever setting up. but who cares? when street drum corps came out doing their drum thing in the beginning and started doing the beat to "no more sorrow" me and my brother went nuts because i wanted to hear that song live so badly. and then after they left and brad (the guitarist) came out to do his sweet intro solo. and i am sorry you havent heard that song until you heard it live. it was the perfect song to start off the set. i sang the words to every song and screamed until i couldnt anymore. i was really impressed by chester and mike's stage presence. they took control of the stage and brought out amazing energy that no other band did before them. chester walked and jumped around so that even the people on the lawn could see him. his voice is phenomenal and no other singer today can top what he's done on that stage. mike shinoda's jay-z like flows are so smooth it blended so well with the acapella version of "hands held high" he did only the first verse and chorus before jumping straight into "crawling" . which chris cornell (who suprised me) came out and did the second verse. i know that in the live version of "crawling" the "so insecure" part in sung by the crowd but chester didn't let us sing it this time, he sang it. which is cool, i like it either way. this set was filled with favorites like breaking the habit, which the ending was chester doing the chorus acapella, which was amazing and the song that made them "in the end".
they had two encore breaks: one after "one step closer" (which i went crazy on btw) and "faint".
after one step closer people thought they were done were leaving, i told my brother not to go because i heard they do encores. so we stayed and sure enough joe hahn (turntablist) comes out and does "cure for the itch", which for those of you who dont know its an instrumental where mr.hahn does all his scratching on, that was awesome. and after that was "what ive done" where chester messed up his lyrics. but hey i dont blame him, the guys have been on the road for the last three months you're gonna forget things. the next song was "faint" which chester and mike still amazed me.
then there was another break, once again i told my brother not to leave even though he thought they were taking the set down. but it turns out that they were setting up for robs drum solo for "bleed it out" now if you just seen this guy drum on youtube or live in texas. you got to see him actually LIVE, he is so freaking fast on the drums, totally amazed me. then after that the rest of the band came out. chester and mike came out with blonde wigs. mike looking like bret micheals and chester looking like axel rose. and said "you can't take yourself too seriously" then chester just started singing "sweet child of mine" and later mashed it up (or as mike said it "badly mashed up) with "bleed it out" which was the last song of the night.
to sum it all up.....the bands before LP were cool, but LP f-ing owned. it was worth the money and if you havent seen projekt revolution do it now. you'll have a great time.
me and my brother (pic below)
now i do have videos, but they arent any good. but this guy has some great footage of the concert
this is the end of robs solo, the cover of sweet child of mine and bleed it out
this is part 2 of that
this guy had the best crawling video feat chris cornell and there is the hands held high that mike did in the beginning.
same guy with the sweet child of mine videos
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 6:10 PM 0 comments
well i hope that impressed you, if it didnt then screw you. lol i'll post more up later.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 12:16 PM 3 comments
work is stupid, but the people i work with (well most people) are pretty cool. its just the job. if i end up working there next year it will be because i couldnt find a job anywhere else. this job is a love hate relationship. but i learned a crap load of stuff and i will be set if i get an interview for a job anywhere else. i developed my people skills through this job and im much more talkative then i used to be. truth is that towards the end of the season i am at my wits end with people and so are my coworkers.
Posted by Supriya ♥ at 8:27 PM 1 comments
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